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8 Habits That Increase Your Risk of Cancer

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18th Sep 2020

Cancer is a serious health condition. This disease takes away many lives around the world each year. In 2019, about 1,762,450 cancer cases were diagnosed and 606,880 cases of deaths were caused by cancer in the United States. But it is not a reason to feel hopeless. It is possible to prevent and decrease the risk of cancer by up to 40%. By avoiding cancer-causing habits and making healthy choices you can ensure your health and lower your risk of cancer. 

Keep reading to discover 8 most common cancer-causing habits. 

1. Working late

By working the night shift you can increase your risk of cancer by up to 19%. If you stay awake at night time you disrupt the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. This hormone has an anti-metastatic effect and can decrease your risk of cancer. If you currently work at nighttime try to switch to daylight hours to ensure your health. 

2. Using plastic 

Some plastic products contain a hormone that can damage the body’s endocrine system. It can potentially increase your risk of cancer. When plastic is scratched or heated it may leach chemicals that are linked to the risk of cancer. If you use plastic containers for food transportation, try to replace them with glass ones whenever possible. 

3. Smoking

The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking. Tobacco smoke contains a lot of chemicals, 70% of which are carcinogens. These carcinogens raise your risk of cancer in nearly every part of the body. It is important to quit smoking if you want to decrease your risk of cancer.

4. Eating too much sugar

American diet often includes a lot of sugar. By consuming too much sugar you can increase your risk of cancer. It is recommended to consume no more than 12 teaspoons of sugars a day. The sugar intake of the average American is 17 tablespoons. Excess sugar consumption can cause obesity and increase inflammation in the body. These are two main factors that make you prone to cancer. 

5. Neglecting oral hygiene

By practicing poor oral hygiene you become prone to oral issues like gum disease. Gum disease is associated with a 24% increased risk of lung and colorectal cancer. Periodontal disease may change immune response and spread disease-causes bacteria over your body. If you have a disease, it is important to visit your dental specialist and receive treatment accordingly. 

6. Stressing too much 

Stress can increase your risk of cancer significantly. Stressed people are also likely to develop bad habits like smoking, overeating, and drinking alcohol. All these habits make you prone to cancer. To decrease the risk of cancer you need to lower your stress levels by doing relaxing exercises or talking with a mental health professional.

7. Consuming processed meat

Processed meat contains a lot of carcinogens. They damage your cells, increasing the risk of cancer. Foods like ham, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, and salami are considered processed meat. Try to eat processed meat less frequently and fill your diet with plant-based or meatless meals. 

8. Using a talcum powder

By using talcum powder around your genitals you may increase your risk of ovarian cancer by 33% and endometrial cancer risk by 24%. Talc is the mineral that is mined for talcum production. This mineral is often contaminated with asbestos. Asbestos is a potent carcinogen that can put a toll on your health. Avoid using a talcum for personal hygiene. It is recommended to use a natural alternative such as cornstarch. 

Cancer is a disease that is easier to prevent rather than cure it. By avoiding habits that cause cancer you can increase the quality of your life and ensure health.