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10 Reasons to Be Sure to Have Breakfast

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27th May 2019

Let's be honest: most of us don't have breakfast. And the reasons, which justify the absence of the morning meal, are thousands. For someone it’s lack of time, someone is afraid to gain weight (and often prefers a hearty dinner to a hearty breakfast), someone cannot wake up and consume something other than a cup of coffee. Meanwhile, breakfast is the most important meal that should not be neglected. And there are some facts that prove it.

Why Should You Have Breakfast?

1. Good shape guarantee

Modern scientists are sure that refusal of breakfast is one of the main causes of global obesity on the planet. According to statistics, the daily metabolism of people who have breakfast is 8-10% faster than those who deny themselves this pleasure. And this means that people who refuse the morning meal, add about 3-6 kg per year.

The reason is simple: with a lack of the necessary microelements for breakfast, the body will “recoup” at lunch and dinner, and will “force” us to eat at night. In addition to being overweight, in the morning this “busting” growth in another nuisance - the so-called “carbohydrate hangover”, when you just don’t want to eat! So would it not be better to replace a hearty dinner with a full breakfast?

Most nutritionists say: morning calories never turn into fat and burn out without a trace. In addition, breakfast allows you to control the feeling of hunger during the day and lose weight. So, if you have eggs for breakfast, you will stay full for a long time, and, as a result, you will eat less.

2. Heart and Vascular Health

Most studies claim that breakfast reduces platelet levels and cholesterol levels in the blood, and therefore reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. The best support for the brain

Morning food intake is extremely necessary for the brain for better concentration, attention, and memory. Without getting enough nutrients, our brain will simply refuse to work or will do usual work two to three times slower than usual.

For concentration, the brain requires only carbohydrates, preferably “slow”, leaving a long feeling of satiety, not sharply increasing blood sugar levels, and also slowing it down.

4. Reliable stress protection

Breakfast charges us with enough energy, minerals, and vitamins, which helps to deal with the stresses that await us at every turn.

5. The best defender of immunity

The intestinal microflora is very important in the formation of sustainable immunity. And breakfast is necessary for it. A sufficient number of pre-and probiotics, as well as fiber, helps our friendly microorganisms fight infection and protect us from various diseases.

Scientists say that a person who is accustomed to breakfast has a stronger immunity compared with people who refuse the morning meal.

6. Prevention of gallstone disease

Long intervals between meals cause the bile in the bile ducts to thicken and lead to the formation of stones. That is why breakfast, containing the minimum amount of fat is the best prevention of gallstone disease.

7. "Alarm" of our body

Amazing regularity - the earlier you have breakfast, the sooner your body will “wake up” and start working. Even if you do not find ten minutes for morning exercises, it will be much easier for you to do the same work if you feed your body!

8. The best way to cheer up

Nothing cheers up in the morning like a delicious breakfast, the smell of fresh coffee and buns. In addition, the morning meal in a relaxed atmosphere that helps to gather your thoughts and tune in for the day ahead.

9. For concentration

According to statistics, people who regularly have breakfast, are less likely to get into a car accident. And all because the regular morning breakfast "recharges" your brain and allows you to concentrate better and increases vigilance.

10. Support your beauty and youth

A full breakfast provides us with all the necessary substances to ensure that our body, and first of all, the skin, actively fights with signs of aging: amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.