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Welcome to the Open Source Climate Data project notes
The risks of the future are not actuarial - - i.e. previous data is not indicative of future events. Therefore...
system change requires data.
open source data for hazards insurance development forum - new project involved with the UN > they have money.
World Bank, UN, Insurance Development Forum,
warranties and insurance are the pathway to profitiability for stuff. and this sector is becoming more transparent.
to make a data hub you have to decouple the data so you have discreet data streams
do fire stations collect data? What about sensors
Its more importantly to be directionaly accurate than precise
traffic light system and pointers
3D navigation system for navigating climate change
climate events of every 100 / 1000 years are going to become normalized
In the UK it has to be the Torys who implement change becasue the time is to short for us to use our carbon budgets
randomly selected citizen assemblies could deliberate these subjects.
to get everyone involved it has to be gamified - peoples assemblies with a sortician
assemblies deliver a full consensus algorithm?
phones -
it has to be a dao. otherwise it will become oppressive / dystopian because individual actors would be the winners.
it has to be iterative and flexible and the rules have to be adjustable
digital tangible policies > transparent, accountable, insert citizens into policy development.>>> therefore they need incentives to drive participation >>
hybrid systems to prevent flip/trade >> use it for the commons and the essentials >
can we evolve beyond money? right now everything is money / tradeable what's after money
a shared fund for hitting climate targets... so when people hit the target they get a pay-off
what if there is reverse insurance - you get a payout for something not happening.
NGOs should have carbon stocks - utilizing the carbon budget to incentivize ngos and start ups
can you decouple from trust ? > this could create a more stable situation.
activists are the ones doing things on teh ground. self organization and de-escalation, conflict resolution -hyper localization is the way to avoid system collapse.
we have to trust local systems and scale them up.
world wide rated risk insurance a global risk map > pricing signal is the most active indicator of future action.
Side note: How Crypto saveed the economy > crypto money sucking vacuum. stopped hyper inflation
core values of crypto however
the system has to have these legs: citizen assemblies >+> bot networks and sensors / ai policy formation > insurance/subsidy/action/direction/trafficlights/ > financial incentives/crypto > (circular to incentive )
there shoudl be a pledge campagin for insurance do divest/disinsure