The Hub Culture Climate Pavilion returns to the COP process with a partnership in the city of Belém, Brazil to bring conversations around climate and nature to the heart of the city.
Connect and engage with global climate leaders to drive climate action and a working agenda for solving climate change, environmental degradation and more.
The Hub Oceans Sprint is a partnership between the Ocean Climate Fund and Hub Culture to bring conversations and working progress on oceans to life during the World Ocean Summit in Tokyo, the Bermuda Innovation Sprint in Bermuda, and the UN Ocean Summit in Nice, with globally minded coordinated ocean action at the heart of the initiative.
The programme includes a series of curated conversations in Tokyo, Bermuda and Nice, with a rolling digital technology sprint to jumpstart ocean linked innovation. The Sprint includes a spring hackathon, global conversations and academic engagements and educational partnerships.
Connect with a global ocean action plan across three continents, with dedicated conversations, technology development and connected investment capabilities.
Hub Culture and a globla network of Community Partners are working to deliver a global funding mechanism to protect the world’s ocean. The initiative grew out of Hub Culture’s 2023 board level commitment around oceans, in conversation with the Global Climate Fund’s efforts on resilience, adaptation and conservation.
The aim of the fund is to connect groundswell initiatives and technologies with capital and to streamline deployment of ocean based projects around the world, with an initial wave focused on the Atlantic Rim.
Land Rush is an open-source gaming experience developed by Hub Culture as a consumer gaming application for Ven based virtual economies. The project rests on the development of a proprietary gaming platform with open source fundamentals to allow for crowd-led development of numerous in-game assets managed by a decentralized library architecture, allowing for an open range of gamer experiences on a single platform.
Game development is envisioned in a series of expanding function layers in stages, with the base layer 1.0 comprising a profile, account, vault and trading function assigned to grid points on a global mapping system.
A network of Assets are embedded in certain portions of the game, providing a sweepstakes benefit for buyers who purchase particular pieces of land with an embedded benefit.
In such cases, the user can export the embedded benefit to a digital vault anchored to their profile, and can transport the item and deposit it to another asset grid/land piece in the game.
Rewards for collection of particular Assets may result in redemption of the asset for a real-world counterpart.
Studies show local economies benefit from local support. Building tools to help local and small businesses thrive requires a focus on efficiency to achieve a sustainable balance. In short, any solution must be at least a little better than the prevailing option. But how can local economies compete on cost, quality or experience when economies of scale provide efficiencies that benefit the biggest players?