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The Rise of Aesthetic Gynecology

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13th Sep 2022

Health providers only recommend surgery if certain vaginal issues are preventing women from enjoying their everyday life or interfering with intercourse. Still, according to studies, more women are opting for these procedures for purely aesthetic reasons. 32% of women use aesthetic gynecology for practical reasons, 31% for practical and aesthetic reasons, and 37% for aesthetic reasons. Let’s learn more about aesthetic gynecology and its rise. 

What is aesthetic gynecology?

Aesthetic or cosmetic gynecology is a surgical and cosmetic field that uses various procedures to enhance the appearance of the vaginal area. It’s not purely aesthetic because it also repairs the function of the vagina and helps restore sexual function due to childbirth, injury or aging. Processes include labia minora and majora reduction or augmentation, vaginoplasty, vaginal introital repairs, reduction of the mons pubis, g-spot amplification, etc. In recent years, we also developed non-surgical procedures for many of the surgical ones. Aesthetic gynecology is also used for treating women with certain medical needs, burn victims, and victims of genital mutilation. 


Vaginoplasty is a popular aesthetic procedure that is used for the reduction of the width of the vagina. Over time (especially after multiple childbirths) vagina loses its natural elasticity and causes permanent stretching which can prevent women from enjoying intercourse. This procedure includes the reconstruction of stretched muscles and vaginal cavity tissues to make it tighter, and thus providing better sexual pleasure. 


Labiaplasty is a procedure that reduces the excess skin on the inner and outer labia. If the excess skin produces discomfort or makes sexual intercourse difficult, you might be a suitable candidate for such a procedure. Labiaplasty is usually performed with a laser that removes excess skin and boosts comfort, self-esteem, and sexual acts. It’s important to consult with an experienced specialist from Advanced Obgyn Institute and seek evaluation. After your gynecologist clears you, it’s possible to book a labiaplasty. 


This is probably one of the most controversial procedures in cosmetic surgery, a taboo subject due to certain religious and historic convictions about virginity. Hymenoplasty is a purely aesthetic procedure that alters the hymen to return it to its previous (smaller) state. The hymen is a barrier with an opening that lets out menstrual blood, and it can widen during sex due to tampon use or even horseback riding. 

Thermaviva and Viveve

For women who do not want to risk going under the knife (even though all of these procedures are perfectly safe when performed by professionals), there are non-surgical solutions. These in-office procedures are usually performed in several sessions using controlled radiofrequency energy applied to the vaginal region. The produced heat tightens the skin around the vagina and achieves a “lifted” look. These non-surgical procedures reduce recovery time and surgical costs but produce less drastic changes for the patient. 


Aesthetic gynecology is becoming more and more popular, but it’s not devoid of challenges. One of the biggest challenges this field needs to face is the openness toward procedures. Luckily, social media has helped turn the cultural opinion, and for that reason, we have considerable investments in new procedures and better technologies in aesthetic gynecology. Women’s lifestyles are changing, boosting the demand for medical tourism and surgical Energy Based Device treatments (EBD). Still, there is a social stigma around aesthetic gynecology, but it is expected to disappear very soon. 

According to most experts, aesthetic gynecology is an important field of medicine with a significant niche. People who choose to undergo procedures today wear their label with pride, trying to normalize such procedures and help women achieve their optimal health and well-being. Also, people who were initially not on board are now changing their opinions and showing interest in the field, after hearing more and more positive experiences. 

Just like plastic surgery (which is also rising in popularity), cosmetic gynecology is becoming a global trend. It’s safe and effective when it comes to achieving desired effects for patients. If you feel like any of the procedures listed are perfect for you, consult with your gynecologist and schedule an appointment with an expert aesthetic surgeon today.