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Events / Science-Based Acceleration of Sustainability Transition

Starting on : 2022-11-08

Science-Based Acceleration of Sustainability Transition

Are you a Chief Sustainability Officer? The Leonardo Centre on Business for Society of Imperial College London invites you to join a close-door, Chatham House rule, roundtable on tackling the key barriers to the acceleration of sustainability transition through a science-based approach. The conversation will leverage research insights from a unique global dataset on SDG-driven corporate initiatives and strategic innovation labs. Request your invitation by emailing [email protected]

Hub Culture Climate Pavilion at Park Regency, 58, Gardens Bay, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt

Starting on: 2022-11-08 @ 09:30 AM and ends on 2022-11-08 @ 11:30 AM
(All times are in Africa/Cairo timezone)