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Events / Big Sky Ski Week

Starting on : 2025-02-07

Big Sky Ski Week

Hub Culture, HATCH, Summit Impact and Future Horizon are teaming up to present Big Sky Ski Week, a week of Big Ideas, Big Fun and Big Networking opportunities. Invited guests convene evening talks and social gatherings against the backdrop of ski activities.

A committee of local and global hosts welcome you to join us.

Yarrow Kraner

Chris Krohn

Ania Bulis

Olivia Dell

Angela Stulley

Nick Kislinger

Jenny Fielding

Vasser Seydel

Angela Bermudo

Matt Leta

Stan Stalnaker

The week is anchored on the Summit and Huntley Hotels, with group house and condo rentals throughout Big Sky Mountain Village. Each day begins with collective meeting point for ski out from the Huntley Hotel, followed by a different end of day Apres destination, and planned evening activities organized in a decentralized way. Hop from open house to open house, submit a talk, panel, happy hour or other gathering in the Big Sky Hub, or join ticketed events from the organizers and hosts.

Big Sky

Starting on: 2025-02-07 @ 09:00 AM and ends on 2025-02-16 @ 09:00 PM
(All times are in US/Mountain timezone)

Event schedule

Daily 8:00 - Daily 9:00

Meet Up, Ski Out

Location / RoomHuntley Hotel
Meet up to ski out from our daily departure point at the Huntley.
16:00 - 19:00

Meet Down, Apres Ski Social

Location / RoomDaily Destinations
Wind down from skiing at various daily destination locations across Big Sky

Location / Room