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Starting on : 2025-01-20
The ICON is more than a building—it represents a new approach to construction from a regenerative perspective developed by BYLD, The Visionist Advisers (TVA), and Hub Culture. The ICON showcases a rapid and regenerative architecture deployed in a flexible system of development with minimal environmental footprint. A scalable system with modular capabilities that can move with the wind, leaving no trace.
Learn about BYLD's vision for regenerative construction and how the ICON came to life.
Working with Hedera on a digital life and BYLD and TVA for its physical life, Hub Culture and partners envision a new approach to 'dwell time' and convenience as we head into the mid-century.
Hub Culture Icon, Symondstrasse 7, 7270 Davos-Platz
Starting on: 2025-01-20 @ 08:00 AM and ends on 2025-01-20 @ 10:00 AM
(All times are in Europe/Amsterdam timezone)