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Events / Hub Culture Icon: Quantum Emergence with Luca Ferrara

Starting on : 2025-01-20

Hub Culture Icon: Quantum Emergence with Luca Ferrara

Luca Ferrara is a product leader dedicated to advancing cutting-edge AI and quantum (AQ) technologies. As General Manager of the Navigation group at SandboxAQ, he oversees the development of quantum-based magnetic anomaly navigation system that enables safe, accurate, and uninterrupted geospatial navigation for military, government, and commercial applications.

From autonomous vehicles to exploratory missions in underwater or underground environments, this innovative technology thrives in scenarios where GPS signals are either unavailable, denied, or susceptible to spoofing.

Each talk covers the practical and consequential elements of the quantum understanding revolution unfolding through spirituality, mathematics and technology. 

Hub Culture Icon, Symondstrasse 7, 7270 Davos-Platz

Starting on: 2025-01-20 @ 10:00 AM and ends on 2025-01-20 @ 11:00 AM
(All times are in Etc/Greenwich timezone)