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28th May 2022
Despite the May sunshine, the week was shadowed by a tornado of crises; the war in Ukraine, a damning economic outlook, a global food system on the brink of collapse and the ever-present threat of climate change. Here are some of the biggest moments:
Leopoldine Huyghues-Despointes is a disability rights advocate based in Kyiv, Ukraine. She was in Davos to promote Save Ukraine, an organization that aims to evacuate disabled women and children trapped unable to leave during the invasion. Leo was an explosion of energy, who could you make you laugh then cry in the same minute.
Phillip Atiba Goff is the Co-founder and CEO of the Center for Policing Equity. We spoke to Philip on the two year anniversary of George Ffloyd’s murder and he reflected on the progress (or lack of) that has been made since. It was a powerful conversation that reinforced the need to rethink how we make our communities safer.
Agnes Matilda Kalibata is a Rwandan agricultural scientist and policymaker, and president of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. On a scale not seen in Africa in nearly two decades, famine is once again stalking the continent. This conversation was more relevant than ever.
Olivier Oullier is a Hub Culture Davos regular. The ‘DJ of Davos’ is also a leading neuroscientist and leading biotech entrepreneur. Alongside outlining the future of healthcare, Olivier’s charm and charisma lifted the spirits of the whole team.
Jeanne Bourgault is President & CEO of Internews, a non-profit who works with citizens and local media in more than 100 countries. Alongside highlighting the challenges facing journalists in Ukraine, Jeanne gave vital coverage to the rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and Myanmar.
Check out full coverage on HubLive.tv