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15th Jan 2020

The 1.5 Climate Imperative

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Description: Join us for an important conversation about the 1.5 degree imperative and why the UNFCC mandate for carbon emissions related to global temperature rise is so crucial to maintain.

Address: ICEhouse, Promenade 93

Start: 2020-01-20 12:00:00

End: 2020-01-20 15:00:00

In the wake of the UNFCCC COP25 Madrid meeting, the need for coordinated non-governmental action on climate change continues to become more important. Scientific research shows that carbon emissions above certain levels can lead to spiraling effects, and the threshold of average temperature rise we need to avoid is 1.5 degrees celsius.

 After this point, the impacts of climate change become difficult to mitigate, at any cost.  Unfortunately, we are on track for global temperature rises that exceed the crucial 1.5-degree threshold, and coordinated global policy on this looks farther away than ever.