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12th May 2014
Richard Westoby will be in Hong Kong 19 May to discuss alternative routes to build a family with a growing community of those interested in this subject. It is the first event of its kind for singles and couples, gay or straight, who are having trouble building a family under current Hong Kong legal limitations.
Westoby's book, "Our Journey: One Couple's Guide to U.S. Surrogacy" lays out methods for alternative families to pursue in creating a family, with ideas and best practices to think about when going through the complicated legal and practical steps of getting it done. There are many considerations, including widely divergent rules in particular jurisdictions.
"I m organising the first of its kind information/education session on Alternative Routes to Building a Family in Hong Kong. This session is primarily targeted at anyone that is physically unable to have a child so that basically means the LGBT community as well as straight allies. It is a panel discussion on the non-traditional routes to starting a family with IVF doctors, an obstetrician, a lawyer and me (a father of twins through surrogacy in the US).
I will mostly discuss the surrogacy route that more and more people are thinking of exploring and will go into all of the ins and outs of the process; the family lawyer will go through the legal ramifications for anyone thinking about doing it and of course the IVF and OB will talk about the fertility side of things."
The event is from 6pm to 9.30pm on the 19th May and will be at The Space, 210 Hollywood Road, Central. The event is free to attend, but reservations are requested.
Richard and his partner Steve's two beautiful children (twins) were the inspiration for the book, and much of his activity and time (when not changing nappies, singing lullabies and feeding) is spent advising others on how to successfully lock themselves into a lifetime role as parent.
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