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1st May 2009

Hockney iPriest of Art - exhibit opens in London

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An exhibition of David Hockney's recent mixed media work using paint, photography and computer printing opened on 30 April at a prestigious gallery in Mayfair. The exhibit is on view until July 11, 2009

Annely Juda Gallery

23 Dering St., London, W1S 1AW

t: +44 20 7629 7578

Category: Mayfair to Sloane Square

Times: 10am-6pm Mon-Fri , 11am-5pm Sat

Travel: Bond Street/Oxford Circus

Hockney, pleased with the powerful use of technology for art says the flowers he paints on his iPhone and sends to friends is art, and 'the flowers never die!' READ ON at: http://tinyurl.com/cj8ozm