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1st May 2009

Zeng Chuanxing brought to you by Quintessentially

ART: Paperbride Dream at ArtHK 2009

This striking portrait 'Paperbride Dream,' 2008, painted by Zeng Chuanxing, is indicative of the strength and quality of work that will be spotlit at Asia's most important art fair next month (13th-17th May), Art HongKong. The vibrant use of colour and clean brush work is typical of the Chinese contemporary style, refined by such formidable photo-realist painters as Chuanxing, who remain in high demand.

This piece, brought to you by Quintessentially Art, measures 170 x 100 cm and is available to view in person.

Our advisors will be on hand throughout ArtHK, offering private tours and one-to-one consultations ensuring that you experience the very best of the international art scene. We also have a limited number of VIP passes available granting you privileged access to the Vernissage and special events throughout the duration of the show .

For enquiries about the portrait or attending Art Hong Kong in general, please contact [email protected].