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Creation through accretion

Jae Kim said: Hi,
I'm currently working on a project and I'm looking for people to be involved. It's a social experiment that involves the creation of a network of individuals to gather information/expertise and other resources. The purpose of the network will be to build a for-profit business entity utilizing evolutionary theories and maximizing the extraction of non-zero-sum gains. For details about the project, please visit my website at www.accreation.org. You can e-mail me or respond here for questions/comments. Thank you.

Jae Kim

02:49 26/08/09

5 remarks. Add yours Latest remark

Michelle Vanparys 1. What kind of participation are you looking for?
2. You should go into politics
3. Business model may be ideal for some, how do you account for volatile human emotion and behaviour?

1. Aug 26th, 2009

Jae Kim Hi Michelle,
Sorry for the extended delay in responding... but to answer your question:

1. As far as participation, I'm open to pretty much anything.. that in and of itself may be the biggest problem, since I do not have anything specific that I'm looking to do. I was hoping that the group (whoever may be willing to participate) might some how evolve towards a consensus on what needs to be done and how to go about accomplishing them. All I'm suggesting is the structural framework (by using an evolutionary process of selection, differentiation, and amplification), and I'm more or less hoping that the aggregate majority will set more specific goals/agendas and work out a step by step solution to reaching those goals.

2. I believe that politics and economics go hand in hand. But by nature, I'm rather introverted and public engagements has never been a strong forte for me. So I've opted to relegate my activities away from things that might force me to be in the limelight.

3. I completely agree that mass hysteria, panics and booms have always been a part of human nature since the first caveman started trading with neighboring tribes. But one of the primary focus of this venture is to make EVERYTHING 100% transparent - making even very minor economic transactions 100% transparent by posting everything on-line. By doing so, I hope that everyone can set aside their individual differences, and also keep each other in check so that the group can focus on the specific goals/tasks at hand. I don't know how successful this will be, but I have hopes that people are, in general, fundamentally good by nature. And that when faced with a task that needs to be accomplished, and if the accomplishment of that goal will individually benefit the participant, I hope that everyone will do their part in making the project a success.

2. Apr 26th, 2010

Steve Hutson Being up front,

This project appeals to me on many levels, so I’ll jump right in and get my hands dirty.
Regarding above:

Business model may be ideal for some, how do you account for volatile human emotion and behavior?
I’ll throw in some suggestions,

The question I’ll start with how do we make the experiment appeal?

And I believe the answer/s lie somewhere with a level of understanding rather than stern rules.
The idea of collaboration has several parts when dealing with human interaction, and also includes the concept of “one common goal” eg, working together with one common goal.

I often see collaboration used in way that might describe the way ants work together and that’s working together with one common goal, the common goal is survival of the species. But it’s not pointed out that working together with one common goal with an intelligent species or one with self awareness, is that humans have developed the need of self fulfillment.

And this self fulfillment is required as a secondary to survival; after our survival needs are fulfilled we have a need for self fulfillment and this fulfillment is part of our own values or rules by which we live.
So a human collaborative effort has another dimension, It requires the ability to provide to each and every individual’s self fulfillment.

The next problem we are often faced with, is each and every individuals values constantly changes as they journey though life.

So not only does collaborative efforts requires fulfilling each and every value of each and every individual within the effort but it also is challenged by the fact that these values required to be maintained are always changing.
And of course perception, how one interprets the world around them, usually influenced by the values. Something as the common goal could be perceived differently by each individual.

One more consideration is the fact that we all have our own values, does influence the participation within the common goal.

I guess the first step is to define the common goal or some level of understanding.
I do believe the common goal here is the social experiment. If all participants have a understanding that this project is a social experiment rather than a for-profit business than it may be possible to account for volatile human emotion and behavior.

I also believe most experiments are initiated for a couple of reasons.
1. We simply don’t know, or we need to learn why something is.
2. We have a need to proof or disproof, we have some evidence to suggest but unable to provide a generally acceptable case.

The above experience I would consider a need to prove or disprove case.
So here we may have a social experiment, with a purpose.

It could be stated or understood as
A social experiment with a purpose of providing the evidence that it is possible to create a for-profit business structure based on evolutionary theories an extraction of non-zero-sum gains methods.

And like most experiments we need some markers, key point indicators, and a way to monitor and analyze data.
I see this experiment could be quite interesting as we would be not only being playing on a couple of levels for example a business structure or entity but also on a social interaction level. So I would consider all monitoring and data analysts would also be both levels.

It has been stated that everything will be transparent regarding the business structure but would everything on the social level also be transparent?

For example, why I’m generally interested in the project? Why my participation level? My intentions? How I perceive others and their actions?

Anyhow just some thoughts?

3. May 1st, 2010

Jae Kim So where do we start? My day job is a futures/options broker, and considering recent action in the financial markets last week, I think we may be starting out in the second chapter of the global financial crisis. I do want this to be a social experiment to enhance human knowledge of ourselves, but I hope that it will also provide a solution to what I fear may happen to this world we live in if we don't change our ways. I hope that this won't be taken as a mere academic project, but hopefully be able to provide real-world solutions to everyday problems on micro-economic scale, as well as on a macro level.

In response to some of the issues you raise, I would hope that individual participation would be motivated by people's desire to better themselves. In other words, I believe that people are inherently driven to improve their lives, and profits are one such measure of improvement. So I would hope that this project would be profitable as to be able to attract people's desire for profit. The next logical question that follows would be how do we generate profits? Here's one idea I'd like to share to get the ball rolling:

-Recycle food and other organic waste.
Lots of restaurants, supermarkets, and food processing plants including butchers, agricultural processors throw off millions of tons of organic waste. Many of these businesses have to pay for trash collection services who come and collect all their unwanted food wastes. Rather than throw them away and dumping them into landfills, create a network to collect organic wastes for processing into fuel (methane, ethanol, or other bio-fuels), fertilizers (mix with soil and sell to farms), and/or other usable material.

4. May 16th, 2010

Steve Hutson Hi, Its been a while again... times seems to go fast,


I was thinking along the lines of
an employment agency

Skill trading etc
Professional services, skilled and unskilled labor
create the turnover (no or little cost to setup)
trade in Ven??

Then use the profit to invest in the projects for example, Recycle food waste management or renewable energy
possibly education are just some examples

anyhow just a thought

5. Jun 24th, 2010
