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RSVP for the free Seminar April 29th

Anna Hall said: Please RSVP here by responding to this discussion for Alastair Hill's free seminar on Wednesday April 29th 2009 at 7pm.

For non members please take just two moments to sign up and add your name below!

Location: Hub Culture London
First Floor, Kingly Court
49 Carnaby Steet
W1f 9PY

See you there!

16:24 20/04/09

6 remarks. Add yours Latest remark

Alastair Hill I'll be there!

1. Apr 21st, 2009

Anna Hall mee too!

2. Apr 21st, 2009

Simon Elliott I'd like to attend!

3. Apr 22nd, 2009

Steve Howse Book me in!

4. Apr 22nd, 2009

Hanrie Kolesky I'll be there.

5. Apr 23rd, 2009

Anita-Clare Field Yes Please!

6. Mar 17th, 2010
