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May - Ultra Exchange launches with limited trading of cryptocurrencies.
July - Ultra Assets, beginning with Ultra Carbon, become available on the platform, enabling users to use Ven to purchase a range of tokenized assets.
September - Hub Culture announces Ultra, a digital asset exchange for tokenized assets that runs on Ven Core - a tokenization engine that uses Ven as a base exchange value.
July - A new Ven app for Android and IOS enters beta testing, features global transaction capability in a new stand-alone format, HubID integration and the first global SMS transaction system.
January - Hub Culture rolls out a new Ven/Ethereum Combined Fund
November - Ven wins the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Grand Challenge for financial inclusion, with a mandate to build new Ven related technologies to serve the global poor.
March - Ven exchange volume passes 500 million units
January - PyxPay obtains Ven Authority Status
September - UC Group obtains Ven Authority Status
March - Hub Culture completes world’s first acquisition of public company stake using Ven
February - Alternet Systems obtains Ven Authority status
January - Ven trading becomes available on LMAX London CFD Exchange
November - Ven trading becomes available on Kraken digital asset exchange
June - Ven featured at the 55th Biennale di Venezia | History Zero | Greek Pavilion
May - Ven launches Ripple/Ven Combined Fund
April - Ven launches Bitcoin/Ven Combined Fund
January - Hub Culture launches Ven Authorities programme for federated distribution
March - Hub Culture announces Ven Funds, including micro-finance and commodity pools
September - Ven pricing becomes available on Thomson Reuters™ data network
February - Hub Culture launches property section with villa/chalet rentals and sales in Ven
April - Hub Culture completes first commodity and carbon credit trades priced in Ven
January - Renault Nissan first auto company to offer cars priced in Ven with Nissan Leaf
November - First contemporary art sales priced in Ven
February - Ven adopts basket structure with commodities and carbon, moves to market float
April - Ven becomes exchangeable to any email address via Hub Culture
March - Hub Culture launches online commerce capability priced in Ven
January - Ven adopts 10:1 peg to the US Dollar, adopts reserve backing policy
November - Ven Central Reserve Board established
July - Ven launches on the 4th of July as an currency application inside Facebook