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Blockchain and Mesh Governance | Stan Stalnaker | Blockchain+AI+Human 3045 views
A review of Hub Culture technologies and their convergence toward mesh governance systems, recorded in Boston at MIT's Blockchain + AI + Human event.
Stan Stalnaker on the future of Ven, Bitcoin and the Social Graph
Stan Stalnaker on the future of Ven, Bitcoin and the Social Graph 0 views
A Tale of Two Currencies: Bitcoin vs. Ven by Jacob Smith
A Tale of Two Currencies: Bitcoin vs. Ven by Jacob Smith 0 views
Alternative Finance and Ven - How Ven Digital Currency works
Alternative Finance and Ven - How Ven Digital Currency works 2988 views
What is Ven digital currency?
What is Ven digital currency? 0 views
Ven is a global digital currency for everyone
Ven is a global digital currency for everyone 3196 views