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Copenhagen opens in December

Stan Stalnaker said: We are currently working on the development of the Copenhagen Pavilion to open in time for the COP15 Summit. We look forward to keeping you updated on all the exciting developments.

03:00 16/09/09

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Michelle Vanparys The Copenhagen Pavilion is scheduled to open 5 December, 2009 in the heart of Copenhagen at Gammeltorv 14, in one of Europe's most interesting and stunning cities.

The Pavilion will serve as a 'home' of Hopenhagen and base for the COP15 outside discussions, with hundreds of climate leaders using the Hub online and physical facilities to help move the world toward progress on sustainability.

For more information, please contact your Valets at the Copenhagen Pavilion.

To download a location map visit: http://www.hubculture.com/groups/338/projects/658/wiki/

1. Nov 22nd, 2009
