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Details for Sept. 18 Salon Dinner: the Nordic Lifestyle

Stan Stalnaker said: We hope you can join us for dinner on Friday evening in Copenhagen for the Hub Culture Salon Discussion: Contemporary Nordic - Quality in Life

A discussion on what matters now: quality of life, and how that relates to the contemporary scene.

We'll break the ice at The Ice Bar, Copenhagen, followed by dinner.

Date:18th September 09
Time:7.15 - 7.30PM
14 People, reservation name Hub Culture / with Lauren Prakke
Løngangstræde 27
1468 Copenhagen, Denmark

We have made a dinner reservation at Badstuen. The restaurant has been highly recommended and is located 5 mins from The Ice Bar. It has low lighting, danish/french food and a cool vibe, there is a cocktail bar if you wish to continue after dinner.

17:33 16/09/09