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4th Dec 2009
During the month of December the Pavilion will host subnational climate leaders from around the world for bilateral discussions, consultation and meetings, serving as a base for California climate leaders, Par Brazil, Indonesia and other delegations.
The Pavilion is an official home of Hopenhagen, includes a social media center with CNN iReport, and operates on Ven (a virtual social currency used by Hub Culture members), instead of cash. Access is by partner invitation only. In January 2010 membership will open to the worldwide HubCulture.com community.
Located in the heart of Copenhagen inside one of the city's oldest buildings, the Hub Culture Climate Pavilion is at Gammel Torv 14, 1457 Copenhagen. It delivers a carbon reduction breakthrough for the work sector with shared work spaces and cutting edge, high efficiency technology designed to service the next generation of social, collaborative work.
The Pavilion features internet technology to manage signature aspects of the member experience. From check-in to check-out, leaders are able to control their social visibility on the website and at the Pavilion. Leaders can interact with others live or via the internet simultaneously using social networking tools and large format collaborative technologies.
Services available at the Pavilion include access to work space, wifi and internet based Skype telephony, virtual and live meetings, document production, electric car sharing, travel and private concierge services. Using a collaborative work model, the Pavilion is able to offer a team of private drivers, personal trainers, private dining, energy healing and other services.
The Pavilion is also a haven for culture. Working with Danish contemporary art leader Countess Cath Alexandrine Danneskiold-Sams e of CDS Art and Visibility, it features contemporary video and photographic art installations from artists Tim White-Sobieski and Amber Hsu.
Symposiums and briefings at the Pavilion during the UN Climate Change Conference include UC Berkeley, Stanford, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, the Center for Climate Strategies, the Climate Registry, 7th Generation Advisors, the European Climate Foundation, University of Phoenix and others covering topics as diverse as oceans, forestry, energy, and emissions reduction.
By providing urban knowledge workers a dedicated flexible workspace with access to many business tools, Hub Culture reduces some office related facilities costs by as much as 80%, providing radical savings for workers in Denmark, overseas visitors in need of occasional workspace, and charitable organizations that may not have access to such spaces, networks and pools of organizational talent.
Copenhagen is the fifth Pavilion to open this year. After London arrived in March 2009, temporary locations have appeared in Cannes, Ibiza and Los Angeles.
Partners supporting the Copenhagen Pavilion include California climate leaders, Par s Governo do Estado Brazil, Grupo Orsa, Hopenhagen, Nike, CNN, Skype, Dan-Form, Arzu Studio Hope, Meridian Audio, Zeusmark, Carlsberg, Move About (electric car sharing) and others.
Global partners and suppliers involved in the technology development of the Pavilions include Cisco, Xerox, Apple and Amazon Web Services. Environmental design input has been provided by New York firm Pompei A.D., with architectural consulting from We Are Your Studio in London.
By offering commuting alternatives to members, the Pavilions provide solutions in sustainability and carbon reduction for workers and cities, all while enhancing the work experience, driving collaboration and value to the end points of the Hub Culture network. This "double carbon positive" both reduces commuting and increases shared use of energy resources in the workplace.
Please check schedule HubCulture.com for activities around Hopenhagen, Earth Hour, Hub Futures 2020, symposiums, salons and other events.
Social media interviews with Hub Journalist Edie Lush are available by appointment for distribution to the web. Access to qualified journalists working in Copenhagen during the UN Climate Summit is available at times. Please email [email protected] for guest list, event and party information.
For more information, interviews or to schedule a site visit, please contact [email protected], +447974156458
Social media interviews at COP15 available:contact [email protected]
Download the Pavilion schedule: http://hub.vg/cphdocs
The Copenhagen Pavilion is located at Gammel Torv 14, 1457 Copenhagen [email protected]
The London Pavilion is located at 49 Carnaby Street, 1st Floor, London W1F9PY [email protected]