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Building Ven in Chicago

Stan Stalnaker said: Hey there, we're looking for cool stuff - whether products or services, to link to Ven in Chicago. If you know of something or someone that should be available, get in touch.

16:59 10/04/11

2 remarks. Add yours Latest remark

Alan Garrigan https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MQ325B8

1. Feb 20th, 2012

Colleen Pridemore Hello,

My name is Colleen Pridemore and I am in the planning stages of developing The Transhuman Bridge. an app which caters to humans with disabilities to link them with the latest assistive technology and foster collaboration of projects and ideations. Open to collaborations with any entity or individual. C-Level Connectivity. Contact me for further information.

2. Jan 27th, 2025
