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8th Oct 2009



Gosha Ostretsov is one of Russia's leading contemporary artists. Since the late 1990's Ostretsov has been working on The New Government project, a parodic Gesamtkunstwerk on the nature of power and despotism in post-Soviet Russia that combines masks, painting, sports, text, fashion, advertising, photography, performance art, video, comics, and other media to create a parallel world in which "masked aliens" have taken over the world and, aided by a compliant mass communications industry, rule it with an iron fist.


The Zabludowicz collection

Saatchi Gallery, London

The State Tretyakov Gallery, novel trends department led by A. Yerofeyev, Moscow,

The State Russian Museum, novel trends department led by A. Borovsky, St.Petersburg

The Moscow Contemporary Art Museum, Moscow

The Arctic and Antarctic Museum, St. Petersburg

The Freud Museum of Dreams, St. Petersburg

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Visit to the Art Dealers, 2009, 160X150cm
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Kill the Rabbit, 2009, 120x160cm
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Artists' Game, 2009, 120 x 160 cm

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Dreams in My Head, 2009, 140x100cm
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Kill Capitalists!, 2009, 140x100cm
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Smash Capitalism, 2009, 140x100cm
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Eat The Rich, 2009, 140x100cm

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Beautiful Explosion, 2009, 200x160cm
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Thought Action!, 2009, 140x200cm

PLAY | 9 October - 3 November 2009 | 50 Upper Brook Street | Mayfair | London

Contact for private view:

Manuela Volaescusa | 0044 (0) 20 7613 3311

Contacts for sales inquiries:

Nick Hackworth | 0044 (0) 7939 150 774

Lauren Prakke | 0044 (0) 7786135999