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Events / Cloud: Meditation Technique

Starting on : 2023-11-27

Cloud: Meditation Technique

A special one hour meditation online designed to consciously review a collection of meditation techniques in one guided session. The session guides you to open your channel chakras, timeline shift, experience darshan projection, and to pinpoint new realities via the amplituhedron.

Chapter 2, Part B of the Choose Your Own Adventure.

Participation link: https://hub.vg/cloudmeditation

The hunt is on for a magnificent gift, but through the clues one must sift.

Zoom: https://hub.vg/meditate50 or in person at 3 Shepherd Street, London W1J7HL, UK

Starting on: 2023-11-27 @ 04:00 PM and ends on 2023-11-27 @ 05:30 PM
(All times are in Etc/Greenwich timezone)

Event schedule

16:00 - 17:00

Cloud Meditation

Location / Room
A group meditation session featuring guided techniques for mental synchronization.
Stan Stalnaker