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14th Nov 2009

Carbon Social Ranking APIs

The idea: VEN becomes world's first "carbonized currency", and thanks to its Open APIs ("currency portability") its members can exchange VENs in any platform they're already using, such as:
- social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter...)
- mobile devices (e.g. iPhone, Blackberry...)
- web 2.0 platforms (e.g. web communities, forums ...)
- Creative Commons (micropayments for p2p music, videos, art ...)

What is CSR:
CSR (Carbon Social Ranking) is a tool (also implementable as Facebook Application) where Hubculture members can rate (red, yellow or green) each other's carbon footprint, based on the 5 dimensions of travel (flights, auto, bike, public transportation), food (veg*an, local, organic, restaurant), energy (home, commute, efficiency, alternative energy), products (recycle, e-waste, packaging, plastics), bonus (investments, causes, education, fitness). CSR is semi-public, so this creates peer pressure to improve one's sustainable behaviours.

Why CSR is good for Hubculture, and for the world at large:
Even if it could look like just a simple little step, CSR can be used by Hubculture to compute the CSRA (CSR Aggregated) of its entire community. In this way carbon could become part of VEN's backing and carbon externalities would become part of goods prices in VEN, therefore making VEN world's first carbon-aware social currency.

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