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30th Apr 2010

Join us for Sustainability 2020 on 5 May, 2010

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The Futures2020 initiative is a new way to collaborate and network within Hub Culture.

Beginning Wednesday 5 May 2010, Hub Culture members and leaders from a collection of areas will begin a new era in collaborative networking, using Hub Culture's unique combination of flexible space, online tools, currency and human network.

The Futures2020 initiative is designed to build concise scenarios of our expectations for particular topics, geared to a point 10 years in the future.

Collaborators will gather to lead discussions, with co-contribution occurring in real time via social media tools and the website. Participants can add to the discussion live, in the room, from other places, or come back later to help create a Scenario that will later be shared with participants, selected media and other parties.

Lend your knowledge to this initiative and join us for a new way to co-create by joining us for the first Forum:


Wednesday 5 May, 2010: 8.30am-1pm

with lunch following at Food Secret.

Directions and Map.

See the Programme.

Tickets are:

Free for Hub Culture Pavilion members, who may RSVP via Twitter @hublondon

45.00 for non-members. Get your ticket.

Interested members of the Hub Culture community who can not attend may participate to the series by tweeting @hubculture and @futures2020 - these feeds will become part of the Scenario discussions.

Those unable to attend who wish to contribute to the Scenario, receive the full report, networking and other benefits, can join the individual online groups for each Scenario.