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Group Introduction

Steve Hutson said: Welcome to the Australian Hub Central,

The Australian Hub Central has been created as a meeting place not just the Australian based community but to develop a first place of contact for those wishing to meet and share with the Australian Community.

If you have genuine Interest in developing an Australian Network or wish to expand out on the global level why not join the Australian Hub Central and make your presence known.

All are welcomed to introduce yourself and start sharing.

Steve Hutson
Australian Community Online Services

14:50 23/04/10

4 remarks. Add yours Latest remark

Stan Stalnaker hi steve - we are actively working on developing hub culture pavilions in sydney and melbourne, so be sure to look for those folks as you develop this. let me know if you need any help or have any questions


1. Apr 24th, 2010

Steve Hutson :) I was hoping for a this response...

what about a hub garden in north QLD?

Steve Hutson

2. Apr 24th, 2010

Stan Stalnaker happy to consider. do you have the space or the land? its actually possible to virtualize all the produce and the products from the garden to sell or trade in ven. could be an interesting opportunity. there is another hub garden project underway in sicily.

3. Apr 24th, 2010

Steve Hutson I'll be honest and admit I may not have all the required information regarding the implementation of a Hub garden

although I may be in a position to genuinely look at the idea,

The Ozcos network with joint affiliations has just implemented a wireless internet project (at a pilot stage) to finalise and fine tune.
I would hate to re-invent the wheel, as this project has a target audience of business people and currently accessible at an outlet that provides best for such atmosphere regarding the location.

roaming access is available.

Could be an interesting outcome.


4. Apr 24th, 2010
