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Introduction, Steve Hutson

Steve Hutson said: Hi, I wish a warm and friendly welcome to the Australian Hub Central group and now the hub center of the Australian Community Online Services, thanks for popping by,

As founder of the Australian Community Online Services est. 2010, We are still at an infant stage but such organization is a result of years of work and currently have several projects under development.

Combining the operations starting from the electrical / engineering in the digital and analogue worlds, moving into the Australian Independent music Industry then into the Australian Community Broadcasting Sector and eventually tapping into the general IT supply and integration industry, We do have some ideas, some plans, and of coarse the dreams.

I have performed many roles not only as a professional but dedicated much to volunteering and being an active participant in any community I'm a part of by sharing and creating network streams.

I still today occasionally get behind the Drum kit or you might see me with the brushes at the local lounge bar.

With an genuine interest in the music industry and more so the Australian Music industry / Broadcasting sectors, I'm always looking for something "new" - feel free to drop in a line from any music talent,

and always open to share ideas and meet others

Steve Hutson

05:38 24/04/10