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Discussions with Tamara:

Stan Stalnaker said: Sustainability is a horizontal factor versus vertical factors in the series around categories. - thus sustainability is a good opening discussion on the future.

we have reached peak resources
we are going beyond our limits in terms of production and the tie to infinite growth - - we can't continue to grow when resources are limited

living with increasing poverty and social injustice - the impact is that these communities will be most affected by climate and resource pressures

can't control population growth without educated and empowered communities - resulting in increasing divides between pools of prosperity and large scale misery.

impact on climate: mass deforestation for survival - decreasing carbon sink - destruction of resources, war resulting from resource pressure.

circle of value: you can't have prosperity without sustainability - both social well being and can't get social well being without economic system that puts well being per unit of resource used.

so what's the answer?

1.update economic system to a new form of capitalism that accounts better for externalities (social wellbeing, resources) - measures success on well being vs gdp

2. global commons - system of managing and maintaining global commons, and a commons led view

3. citizen empowerment - generative paradigms - emphasis on human potential to solve own systemic issues

10:22 04/05/10