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9th Jul 2020

Travel Safer with AQUA, the Active Quarantine User Ally

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Hub Culture has annouced AQUA, (Active Quarantine User Ally), a new health and travel service built on HubID for international travellers. Now available worldwide, AQUA enables members to manage aspects of their health data profile themselves, with the abiliity to manage digital health verifications, symptom tracking, contact bubbles and aspects of active quarantine if they test positive for COVID-19 while travelling. The AQUA system features a handy electronic bracelet wearable for quarantine, and a nifty app for managing health verificatioons and other features.

The service is free for Hub Culture members who access theAQUA.world using their verified HubID. Once connected with your doctor or healthcare practitioner, it is possible to request a test verification and upload a test result for verification by your doctor. 

For global travellers, this health verification can later be shown if a test result is required for border entry. It includes the date, location and status of the test, and is verified by your own doctor once you connect with them and they approve the test result.

If an AQUA member is diagnosed while travelling with COVID-19, they can request an AQUA wearable device to help manage quarantine requirements in their location, and they can choose to turn on or off data transmission related to their quarantine status to approved monitors at the healthcare or governmental level. The member can also insert a persona Ally in between the monitor and themselves to enhance privacy, while on the monitor side access is available to reach out to the member through phone or email.

Contact Bubbles enable the AQUA member to sync HubID and phone contacts and to sort them into particular social or risk groups. If others in the group also have AQUA membership and their health status changes through an updated health verification, it can automatically update the group about risk while maintaining privacy around who in the group is positive or negative.

Currently the AQUA service is available with a mobile accessible website, inside HubID for Hub Culture and as a direct Android download. iOS and Android companion apps remain subject to government approvals surrounding COVID-19 data products. For more information, to order a bracelet or to find out about using the service for electronic quarantine management, visit AQUA.

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