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2nd Oct 2008

WEF Opens, Climate Change Key

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

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Arctic polar bears feel the effects on their receeding territory
The World Economic Forum 2007 Annual Meeting opened with a host of sessions and about 2,400 attendees discussing the state of the world today. High on the agenda this year is the topic of climate change and energy - topics around this subject are prevalent at the meeting, and even the arrival of ExxonMobil's CEO Rex Tillerson, who will participate in a panel on the subject, seems to point to this as a dominant theme of the meeting.

Maybe the fact that it is finally snowing (a relief to skiers) should help dissipate any sense of crisis that was building among earlier arrivals, who arrived to very little of the white stuff.

Interesting confluences include Tech Pioneers, a group of specially selected younger entrepreneurs who are attending this year's meeting. Some are working on really cool stuff - from long range RFID to prosthetic tennis shoes that will help you run 60 miles an hour, to internet enabled circuit breakers that will eventually help maximize energy efficiency.

BMW's glass floored hydrogen station looks great and their new Hydrogen 7 makes the rounds at Davos kicking off the age of emission-free mobility.

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BMW's CleanEnergy Hydrogen 7
Another angle is the corporate world's responsibilities to the community at large, and there is representation from Project Hope (a great American based initiative) and the Clinton Global Initiative. The hot parties include Mittal Steel's event for Wednesday hosted by Mr. Lakshmi Mittal (man of the moment), the TIME party, which is expected to attract many luminaries including Bono and Peter Gabriel, and on a later, more informal scale, RockDavos, Hub Culture's late night soirree scheduled for Thursday.

RockDavos will be held Thursday, 25 January from 11.30pm onward.

Cava Davos
Promenade 63 7270
Davos Platz

RSVP: [email protected]