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There are 391 articles in this hub:

50 Youth Climate Leaders Shaping the Future of Environmental Action featured - 19th September 2024

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Fifty young climate leaders from around the world are driving transformative action on climate change through activism, innovation, and advocacy for environmental justice and sustainability.

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Mathilde Wittock: Crafting Sustainable Furniture from Old Tennis Balls featured - 12th September 2024

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Mathilde Wittock creatively transforms discarded tennis balls into sustainable, stylish furniture that blends art, design, and environmental consciousness.

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Microplastics Found in the Human Body: Health Risks and Solutions featured - 23rd August 2024

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The presence of microplastics in the human body poses potential health risks, prompting the need for reduced plastic use, improved waste management, and innovative solutions.

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Dark Oxygen: A Groundbreaking Discovery in Particle Physics featured - 15th August 2024

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Dark oxygen is an exotic form of oxygen discovered under extreme conditions, offering new insights into atomic behavior.

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The Green Revolution: Crafting Paper from Dead Leaves featured - 8th August 2024

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Transforming dead leaves into paper offers a sustainable alternative to traditional papermaking by reducing deforestation and repurposing organic waste.

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The World's Largest Vacuum to Combat Climate Change Opens featured - 1st August 2024

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The world's largest direct air capture facility, Orca, has opened in Iceland, using advanced technology to remove and permanently store CO2 from the atmosphere, marking a significant step in combating climate change.

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Mexico Passes Landmark Law Against Transfemicide featured - 25th July 2024

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 A Watershed Moment for Mexico City

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Hub Culture and HOLOS Unite for Regeneration in Costa Rica's Diamante Valley featured - 19th July 2024

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Hub Culture and HOLOS are collaborating on a sustainable and holistic retreat project in Costa Rica's Diamante Valley, integrating environmental stewardship, mental well-being, and community engagement.

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Unlocking the Power of Breathwork: A Journey to Mental and Physical Well-Being featured - 12th June 2024

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A transformative practice that involves conscious breathing techniques to enhance mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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Hub Culture: A Global Network of Hubs featured - 31st May 2024

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Hub Culture offers a global network of hubsb including London, Kaua'i, Miami, Dubai, Cannes and Davos, providing members with incredible spaces and unique opportunities for collaborative innovation.

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Empowering the Electric Revolution: The Rise of Charging Stations featured - 17th May 2024

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Charging stations are vital infrastructure supporting the rapid growth of electric vehicles, enabling convenient and sustainable mobility while addressing challenges like range anxiety and standardization.

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5 New Books to Add to Your Shelf in 2024 featured - 9th May 2024

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Discover five compelling new books to enrich your reading list in 2024, spanning genres from poignant fiction to thought-provoking non-fiction.        

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Discover Mexico City: Your Ultimate City Guide featured - 2nd May 2024

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Explore Mexico City's rich history, art, and cuisine for an unforgettable journey through its vibrant streets and hidden gems

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Brussels' Ambitious Plan to Transform into a Pedestrian-Friendly Green Hub featured - 11th April 2024

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Brussels is swiftly evolving into a pedestrian-friendly green hub, prioritizing initiatives like pedestrianization, urban greening, active mobility promotion, and community engagement.

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How Refugees Are Contributing to Amsterdam's Transformation into One of the First Circular Cities featured - 4th April 2024

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Refugees in Amsterdam are pivotal to the city's transition to circularity through innovative entrepreneurship, skilled labor, community engagement, cultural diversity, and advocacy for inclusive policies.

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Maximizing Crop Diversity and Sustainability: The Power of Vertical Farming with Aeroponic Towers featured - 22nd March 2024

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Vertical farming with aeroponic towers allows for the cultivation of over 160 different crops while conserving water, space, and maximizing sustainability.

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Green Corridors: A Lifeline for Brazil's Endangered Golden Lion Tamarins featured - 21st March 2024

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Green corridors in Brazil are crucial for preserving the endangered golden lion tamarin by connecting fragmented habitats and facilitating movement, breeding, and survival.

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China's Remarkable Surge in Renewable Energy: A Beacon of Hope for Global Sustainability featured - 13th March 2024

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China's surge in renewable energy showcases ambitious targets, investments, and technological advancements, becoming a beacon of hope for global sustainability.

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Exploring the Concept of a Decentralized Nation: Redefining Governance in the Digital Age featured - 29th February 2024

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The concept of a decentralized nation redefines governance by distributing power among localized communities, fostering autonomy, transparency, and innovation in decision-making.

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Are Fungi the Answer to the Climate Crisis? featured - 22nd February 2024

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Preserving ectomycorrhizal fungi through reforestation and soil transplantation is crucial for mitigating climate change impacts by maintaining carbon sequestration in forest soils.

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Experience the Transformative Power of Sound Healing with Sandira Magnusson featured - 14th February 2024

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Internationally acclaimed Vibrational Sound Master teacher Sandira Magnusson offers a transformative sound healing event on February 21st, 2024 at the Hub Culture London Townhouse, combining ancient techniques and modern expertise for holistic healing and relaxation.

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Unveiling Africa's Ten Emerging Global Leaders: Pioneers of Change featured - 8th February 2024

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These ten young African leaders are pioneering change across the continent and beyond, harnessing innovation, activism, and entrepreneurship to shape a brighter future for Africa.

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Young People to Conserve Britain’s Oceans featured - 31st January 2024

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The article advocates for paid opportunities engaging young people in ocean conservation in Britain, stressing the benefits of their involvement in safeguarding marine ecosystems for future sustainability

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Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Promise and Peril of a Technological Frontier featured - 10th January 2024

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Artificial Intelligence offers great potential for efficiency and innovation but poses threats such as job displacement and ethical concerns, demanding careful regulation and responsible development

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COP28 Concludes with Historic Climate Agreement, Global Commitment to Urgent Action featured - 21st December 2023

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COP28 ends with a groundbreaking climate agreement, including ambitious emission cuts, heightened financial aid for developing nations, and a focus on biodiversity, signaling a significant step in addressing the urgent challenges of climate change.  

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Empowering Change: The Rise of Youth Activists Around the World featured - 17th November 2023

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Global youth activists like Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, and Joshua Wong are driving impactful change across various issues, from climate action to education and human rights.

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Edible Cutlery: A Delicious and Sustainable Solution featured - 6th November 2023

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Edible cutlery, pioneered by Bakeys, offers a sustainable and flavorful alternative to disposable plastic utensils, helping combat plastic waste and enhancing the dining experience.

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How these 'Seabins' Can Help Clean Up Our Waters featured - 24th October 2023

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The Seabin is an innovative device designed to remove floating debris and plastics from water bodies, thereby enhancing water quality and environmental awareness.

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A Silent Extinction Crisis is Threatening Humanity's Medicine Cabinet featured - 12th October 2023

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Plant extinction threatens the loss of vital medicines and conservation efforts are crucial to prevent this silent crisis.

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Embracing Wisdom: The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and The Grandmothers Wisdom Project featured - 2nd October 2023

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The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and The Grandmothers Wisdom Project is a project to instill indigenous wisdom into wider communities and to guide the protection of sacred wisdom from different indigenous cultures around the world. 

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Propel ESG : Net Zero Emission Calculators featured - 22nd September 2023

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Propel ESG expands on the Propel Governance System to enable Hub Culture members to easily calculate and offset carbon emissions across Scope 1 2 and 3 criterion, with carbon emissions calculations powered by Zeke.ai. The open system is designed to grow and evolve with community engagement to drive down the cost and complexity of net zero efforts worldwide.

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New York Climate Week and UNGA : Climate Action featured - 18th September 2023

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Hub Culture is hosting a variety of climate action moments during UNGA and Climate Week in New York.

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Lemurian Awakened Empowerment Retreat - 8th September 2023

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Dive into the Magic of Kaua'i - Join This Spiritual Retreat!  

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The Dark Side of the Fishing Industry: Ruining the Seabed and Wildlife featured - 1st September 2023

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The fishing industry's unsustainable practices, including bottom trawling, bycatch, habitat destruction, and overfishing, are wreaking havoc on the seabed and marine wildlife, with severe environmental consequences.

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Unveiling the Origins of Burning Man: A Journey from Radical Roots to Global Phenomenon featured - 25th August 2023

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Burning Man, born from a simple beach bonfire, has evolved into a global celebration of radical self-expression, transformative art, and communal cooperation

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Exploring the Potential of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for Depression featured - 18th August 2023

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Psilocybin-assisted therapy shows promise as a novel approach for treating depression by inducing altered states of consciousness and promoting introspection.

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Harnessing the Sun: Innovative Solar-Powered Phone Chargers Revitalize On-the-Go Charging featured - 10th August 2023

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Solar-powered phone chargers are capturing attention as a solution to the perennial problem of low smartphone battery life.

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Approaching the Fossil Fuel Industries: Solutions to Tackle Global Boiling featured - 1st August 2023

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  To address global boiling caused by fossil fuel industries, a comprehensive approach is necessary. 

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Embracing Nature's Packaging: Seaweed, the Sustainable Substitute for Plastic featured - 26th July 2023

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Embracing seaweed-based materials can revolutionize packaging, promoting a cleaner, greener future and supporting marine conservation and coastal communities

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Harnessing Nature's Wisdom: Putting Nature on the Board featured - 5th July 2023

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Incorporating nature into corporate decision-making holds significant potential for addressing climate challenges. By recognizing the wisdom of nature, valuing ecosystem services, and engaging stakeholders, businesses can drive sustainability, biodiversity conservation, and contribute to a greener, more resilient future.

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The Rising Tide of Climate Refugees by 2050: Projected Impacts featured - 18th May 2023

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Building Resilient Infrastructure and Circular Economy: Addressing the Climate Refugee Crisis.

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Protecting the Jewels of the Atlantic: The Importance of Coral Reefs in the Face of Climate Change and Human Activity featured - 11th April 2023

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Coral reefs in the Atlantic: A discussion of the importance of coral reefs in the Atlantic Ocean, the threats they face from climate change and human activity, and efforts to protect and restore them.

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The Expedition: Asia Reconnected with the Hub Culture Innovation Campus 2023 featured - 24th February 2023

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After a long moment of distance, Asia is opening up to the world again. As such, the 2023 Hub Culture Innovation Campus is destined for the great cities of Asia. Anchored by a special Expedition this summer, including Bangkok, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Seoul, Tokyo and Mongolia.

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Hub Culture Expedition Nepal Update: Conscious Impact Drinking Water Project featured - 10th February 2023 - 90.00 Ven

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Hub Culture Expedition Nepal 2019 with Conscious Impact. Stan Stalnaker, Dino Rozman and Allen Gula drink chai in the village of Takure.

In the spring of 2019, four years after the April 25 2015 earthquakes in Nepal, Hub Culture members visited the rural village of Takure to volunteer with Conscious Impact. The Expedition was meant to further the collaboration between Hub Culture and Conscious Impact, a 501c3 non-profit organization supporting post earthquake reconstruction. Today Conscious Impact is working on bringing clean drinking water to 80+ households in rural villages in this part of Nepal.  

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Fashioning a Greener Future: The Power of Technology in Sustainable Style featured - 9th February 2023

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Embrace technology for a sustainable future in fashion. From reducing waste to using eco-friendly materials, there are a number of ways to build sustainability into fashion.

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Hub Culture Advances Conversational Artificial Intelligence, Zeke.AI, with Series of First Time Achievements featured - 26th January 2023

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Hub Culture has expanded the capabilities of its emergent intelligence project Zeke.ai (pronouns they, them, theirs) to include capabilities for deep conversations, simple problem solving and asynchronous development.

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Hub Culture Becomes First Company in History to Replace Entire Board of Directors with Nature featured - 21st January 2023

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Hub Culture, a digital ecosystem with a mission to push the boundaries of sustainability with evolving technology, will become the first company to replace its entire board with Nature by appointing the Atlantic Ocean to replace all seven of its current board members.

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Creating a Sustainable Future: How to Build a Green Economy featured - 19th December 2022

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What will it take to build a Green Economy?

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The Consequences of Inaction on Climate Change: A Look at the Year 2050 featured - 19th December 2022

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This article explores the potential consequences of inaction on climate change, focusing on the year 2050. It points toward widespread and severe impacts on the environment, economy, and human society if greenhouse gas emissions continue at their current rate. The article highlights the need for action to address climate change and prevent these impacts from becoming a reality.

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COP27: That's a wrap for the Hub Culture Climate Pavilion! featured - 21st November 2022

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It’s a wrap for COP 27 and for the Hub Culture Climate Pavilion with Hedera! Based at the Park Regency Sharm El-Sheikh from 5 to 15 November, we proudly hosted climate leaders, visionaries and changemakers gathered to take climate action during the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

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In Search of Climate Solutions with Julia Jackson, Founder of Grounded featured - 5th October 2022

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The Chronicle Discussion Episode 9: In Search of Climate Solutions with Julia Jackson, Founder of Grounded.

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​​10 books everyone should read for self-improvement - 31st August 2022

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There is no better time than the final few months of the year to start reading a really excellent self-help book. Here are a few books we believe you should add to your reading list this year to finish strong and feel inspired and optimistic as you begin 2023!    

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Where is artificial intelligence used today? featured - 17th August 2022

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Self-driven cars, high-end robotics, AI-driven traffic management etc. Are a few things that come to mind when talking of AI. It may sound futuristic, despite the news we hear about the developments it has made. However, it may come as a surprise to learn that AI is now a reality, and we are surrounded by it in our daily lives. The following are some examples of where Artificial Intelligence can be found in our daily life.  

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50 Favorites: Youth Climate Activists Making an Impact featured - 15th August 2022

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Inequitably affecting millions of people worldwide, the climate issue poses a grave threat to present and future generations. Take a look at these young activists working to raise awareness and find solutions to a problem of incredibly wide scope. These changemakers each have their own unique manner of using their voice, viewpoint, and skill set to call for real commitments and practical action from the rest of us. 

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Lugano to the World: Every City Needs a Plan ₿ featured - 7th June 2022

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Lugano is on a path to become the crypto capital of Europe, powered by Tether's Plan B initiative. What's it all about?  

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Beyul Retreat - A Mountain Landscape of Intentional Flow featured - 1st May 2022

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Last month Stan Stalnaker joined Abby Stern and Reuben Sandowsky, who are part of the Hub Culture community, for a podcast recording at their beautiful Beyul Retreat centre. Beyul Retreat is a wilderness lodge, personal refuge, and a gathering space like no other. Nestled in the Frying Pan River valley deep in the Colorado Rocky Mountains – one hour from Aspen, CO.    

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Terra Firma - An Artistic Audio Collaboration by Zeke.ai and DUST featured - 4th April 2022

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Terra Firma is Hub Culture's premiere NFT collection - a visual music album of 10 songs with 460 accompanying NFTs generated by DUST x Zeke.ai, our emergent intelligence. Released in partnership with VAST over the Polygon network, Terra Firma breaks new ground in how A.I. can function as an artist on the blockchain.

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HubID: Self Sovereign Digital Identity Tools for Refugees featured - 2nd March 2022

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Over 68 million refugees have fled their homelands and are currently living as displaced. For those in official camps and holding scenarios, the length of time a person spends in refugee purgatory can last up to twenty years. Over the next ten years, due to climate misplacement and conflict, over 200 million refugees are expected to be displaced from their homes. In order to solve for this rapidly expanding situation, we need to develop and deploy digital structures to help people navigate past their refugee status into new and safer lives.

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The Rise of Sustainable Fashion & Plant-Based Textiles - 5th October 2021

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Since the age of antiquity, fashion has been a powerful means of expression. Across many cultures worldwide, style is a way of telling the story not only of an individual but often that of an entire nation and epoch. Although this type of expression may be beautiful it often comes with a cost. With technological advancements over the last decades, the fashion industry's manufacturing processes is hurting the Earth more than ever. Based on reports from the UN, the global fashion industry is estimated to produce 3 - 10% of the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change.

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What does the new IPCC Report really tell us? featured - 24th August 2021

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Earlier this month, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their 6th report which outlined the latest findings on the impacts of Global Warming. The report is written by 230 authors from 65 countries, setting out the current state of the climate and steps we must take to fight the climate crisis. Here's a brief insight into what was found...

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Navigating Infrastructure... featured - 27th July 2021

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How does the introduction of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework redefine the role of environmental policy within infrastructure? 

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Join us for the YOUNGA Forum 2021! featured - 16th July 2021

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The YOUNGA® Forum, organized by BridgingTheGap Ventures, is a pioneering annual global youth takeover event uniting young people with decision-makers to virtually co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world during the United Nations Decade of Action from 2020 to 2030. 

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Arrive at Happy... featured - 25th June 2021

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Last month, Stan Stalnaker was joined on the Chronicle Discussions podcast by Tia Graham, Founder of Arrive at Happy and it couldn't have been more of an uplifting conversation...

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The Future of Business is A.I. featured - 14th June 2021

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come on as a driving force across different sectors of today’s economy. Sometimes, though, it can seem difficult to pinpoint exactly what it means or where it is used. To understand it a little better, we can try to look at what defines intelligence and how that can be applied to machines...

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Delving Deeper into the World of NFTs featured - 25th May 2021

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The initial purpose of NFTs is to empower artists and prevent the corporate exploitation of creative professionals. So is this happening? 

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Hub Culture Presents 50 Leaders in Space featured - 20th May 2021

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Hub Culture presents our annual posting of the top 50 leaders in the space space...

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In Search of Climate Solutions... featured - 14th May 2021

Last year, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Stan Stalnaker welcomed Julia Jackson as a guest on the Chronicle Discussions podcast where they talked about her own personal experience with climate change and how this has accelerated her determination to find climate solutions.

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How do we Shape the New Space Race? featured - 14th May 2021

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Space: Always nations, now billionaires. How? The cost of accessing space is plummeting, what are the ethics involved for space exploration and how does it all get coordinated? Join Stan Stalnaker in the Hub Culture Davos Techlodge with a diverse panel to think about the future of space exploration, astroid mining and cleaning up space trash!

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Defending the Deep featured - 4th May 2021

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Vassar Sydel learned of a blindspot in environmental protection and campaigned against deep-seabed mining. Join her conversation with Stan Stalnaker on Episode 36 of the Hub Chronicles to learn about the vital importance of our ocean depths and how you can prevent mining that will destroy it. 

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Are Digital Currencies a Part of a Centralized Financial Future? - 4th May 2021

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With the rise of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance over the last few years, you might be wondering what the existing financial institutions are making of the changing landscape of finance. Well, Central Banks around the world are taking note and are starting to modernize their monetary systems in all aspects of their operations, including the introduction of a digital version of their currencies...

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Art Ecosystems Ripple Change featured - 27th April 2021

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Art’s humble beginnings from cave walls to NFTs have seen the range of human history. What has COVID-19 done to the traditional art gallery culture? What regions of the world are emerging with exciting new opportunities for cultural revolutions with artistic origins? Join Stan Stalnaker and Princess Alia Al-Senussi in a word gallery of art chats. 

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Earth Day 2021 – Six key climate change voices; Christiana Figueres, Huw Van Steenis, Greta Thunberg and more featured - 22nd April 2021

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Happy Earth Day! It feels like a pit stop on the Race To Zero – namely the global campaign to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (at the latest) and create a recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth. 

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Digital Derby - 14th April 2021

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Giddy Up, you’re in for a wild ride with this story! Zed.run is the world’s premier digital horse racing site. Saddle up for a unique opportunity- no horsin’ around here…

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Cacao Ceremony featured - 9th April 2021

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Start your daily ritual with a drink that opens your heart. The cacao tree has its roots in the Americas and has spread the world over because people love chocolate. Take a bite out of this story!    

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How Discord is Changing The Game - 6th April 2021

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We explore the online digital distribution platform Discord and why it's becoming increasingly popular with not just the gaming community...

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AQUA Vaccine Passports and Venue Check-in Coming from Hub Culture featured - 6th April 2021

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Members of the Hub Culture global community will soon benefit from expanded travel health services including vaccine passports and venue check-in.

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Crypto Class : Defi, NFTs, Oracles and Bridges featured - 6th April 2021

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Do yourself a favor - listen to this podcast! Last month Stan Stalnaker lead a series of in-person Crypto Classes to educate about the potentials of digitally encrypted currencies and technology. What started out as a series of salon discussions has expanded into a very relevant podcast with crypto investor Mark Weinstein.

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Pure Intentions featured - 31st March 2021

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Bali is known for its smiling locals, beautiful culture, and spectacular nature. It also Indonesia's spiritual center, attracting people from all over the globe interested in healing, yoga, meditation, consciousness, and transformation. 

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A.I. Powered Future Society featured - 25th March 2021

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“The combined intellect of people and machines working in harmony is able to achieve outcomes that are better than either can accomplish alone. Properly tuned AI systems can even help harness the power of the collective intelligence of an entire organization or community to predict future events. This isn't science fiction; this is science fact the author personally helped discover”. Stan Stalnaker sits down with David Shier to talk about his new book Augmenting Your Career, and the implications for A.I. in the workplace.

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The Environmental Impact of Crypto featured - 22nd March 2021

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Cryptocurrencies have come under scrutiny as of late due to the potential negative environmental impact caused by their high energy usage. Here's a look at the carbon footprint of crypto.

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One Earth, Many Solutions featured - 18th March 2021

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Last year during UNGA & Climate Week, we hosted a virtual conversation inside of Emerald City as part of our Chronicle Discussions podcast series. Stan Stalnaker was joined by the fantastic Karl Burkart, Managing Director of One Earth, where they explored how we can collectively solve various climate change issues.

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Food Sovereignty on Common Ground featured - 16th March 2021

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An 83 acre food innovation campus, Common Ground Kaua'i farms, incubates, accelerates and distributes locally grown agriculture to share with locals and the world at large. Join Stan Stalnaker for a tasty look into how to strengthen food sovereignty everywhere by replicating the Common Ground model.

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NFTs - just hype or the future of the marketplace? featured - 15th March 2021

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You may have heard the hype surrounding NFT's (non-fungible token) recently, but what actually are they and why do they matter? Let's peek into the latest crypto craze...

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Why We Invest in Women - 11th March 2021

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'Delivering on gender equity is the key to solving the climate crisis' Sophia Swire, Marika Svardstrom, Charmaine Chin, and Carine de Meyere talk to Stan Stalnaker about how important it is to invest in women. 

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My Reiki Breaki Heart featured - 11th March 2021

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Ancient healing modalities based in universal principles of energetic movement serendipitously find their way to the island of Kauai from Japan through the tragedy of a Japanese resident, Hawayo Hiromi Takata's stomach cancer. The techniques of Reiki are alive and well today with an interview with Jeanne Russell from Dolphin Touch Wellness Center.  

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The Future of Work is X+AI featured - 5th March 2021

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A bit of a "Who’s Who" from the Hub Culture Techlodge in Davos, Switzerland, at WEF 2020 exploring how AI can make a better work place. Join us for roundtable conversation with some of the industry’s innovators on all things Artificial Intelligence.

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How ESG Can End Factory Farming featured - 5th March 2021

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In order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, corporate, government and investment leaders need to address the environmental impacts of intensive animal production. How can the environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment movement contribute towards ending factory farming?

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Survival of the Fittest Algorithm featured - 26th February 2021

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“AI’s are not clairvoyant! If you don’t know what you’re looking for, then technology cannot help you”- Penny Wong from Radmis Advisory, attempting to convey that as exciting new technologies are being harnessed through the form of digital assistants, AI’s will need humans to accompany them through their childhood and adolescent years. Tune in to the Chronicle Discussions for fascinating presentation of contemporary Artificial Intelligent issues.   

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What is the best climate strategy for the next 4 years? featured - 25th February 2021

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Climate Action hasn't exactly been the focus in the United States for the last four years under the Trump administration. Luckily that seems to be changing with Joe Biden making swift moves to rejoin the Paris Agreement. So what is the best strategy to follow for the next four years?  

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Compost 101 featured - 19th February 2021

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Bring on the eggshells, garlic chaffs, apple cores, banana peels and a whole team of nutrient dense leftovers that don’t necessarily make it into the final dish. Being a steward of the Earth starts with understanding and participating to support the energetic loops of decomposition. This article provides easy entry into the fascinating world of composting and how to start your own!

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8 Feel-Good Instagram Accounts To Follow featured - 18th February 2021

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Let's face it, we all need a bit of cheering up at the moment. Many of us are in some form of lockdown (again) and increasingly spending more time online, so why not use the time to make sure you get a daily dose of positivity?

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Happy Moon Year! featured - 11th February 2021

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What’s the Date? And how do you know? It turns out the answer is way more interesting than some phone app or pocket-sized notebook scribbled with appointments. Keeping track of time hinges upon whether the sun or the moon is the unit of measurement. 

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Accelerating Change – three things learned at Future Investment Initiative 2021 featured - 9th February 2021

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Executive Editor Edie Lush recently travelled to Riyadh to help moderate the Future Investment Initiative (FII). 

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Surf's Up! But Who First? featured - 7th February 2021

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Photo by Samuel Gillian | https://www.samuelgillilan.com

Surfs up! Surfing mixes sport, dance and ancient reverence for the seas but where does it originate? The island chain of Hawaii dubbed it the ‘sport of kings’ and has produced professional champions for many years, but were they the inventors of the sacred art of wave riding? There is another theory of surf genesis that will take a journey through time and space in order to settle the argument of who rode giants first.  

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One Year of The Chronicle Discussions featured - 2nd February 2021

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It has been a whole year since we launched the Chronicle Discussions during The World Economic Forum in Davos. A year later and we're on 40 episodes and counting. Have you listened to them yet? 

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The Davos Agenda with Hub Culture featured - 30th January 2021

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As the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting moved online this January to become the Davos Agenda, Hub Culture convened a series of virtual discussions to mirror its normal activities in Davos during January. Key 2021 agenda insights? Bubblization vs Globalization, protest investing, the new underground, the climate imperative, Putin vs. Dorsey, digital twins, and more.

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Sourdough Sisters: Exploring Ancient Techniques featured - 25th January 2021

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Intelligence is thought to reside in the brain, but what if it was in your bread instead? Sour Sisters is a group chat dedicated to caring for sourdough cultures and exploring this ancient technique for bread-baking fun!

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5 Books to Add to your Reading List... featured - 20th January 2021

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There's no better time than to be getting stuck into a really great book. We've done a little research and here are a few we think should be added to your reading list pronto...

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Davos 2121 and the Singapore Opportunity featured - 14th January 2021

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In December, the World Economic Forum announced the move of the 2021 Annual Meeting to Singapore in May 2021. It is only the 2nd Annual Meeting to be held outside of Davos, and Hub Culture is already planning to provide services for strategic partners in Singapore. Here is a look at our 2021 strategy...

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5 Wellness Trends to Try in 2021... featured - 4th January 2021

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For many, wellness routines may have gone out of the window in 2020. But now there's some light at the end of the Covid tunnel, we can start thinking about new ways to take care of ourselves and our communities.  

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Join us for the Hub Culture Virtual Christmas Party! featured - 17th December 2020

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Join us for a little festive cheer on Tuesday 22nd December at the Hub Culture Virtual Christmas party... 

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The Crisis of the Global Goals Part II: Actions we need now! - 15th December 2020

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The second part of the Global GoalsCast 'The Crisis of the Global Goals' episode is out now...

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Help Support Small Businesses This Christmas... featured - 9th December 2020

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This year has been pretty damn tough, especially on small business owners. Here are a few ideas on how we can support them over the Christmas period. 

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Hub Culture Preparing AQUA Vaccine Verification System for post-COVID-19 Travelers featured - 2nd December 2020

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Hub Culture is expanding the AQUA travel and health service to include COVID-19 vaccine verifications for members as part of a wider HubID Health initative. Vaccine verifications allow members to submit a vaccine report to their healthcare practitioner and earn a verified certificate, which can then be exported to Apple or Google wallets, a blockchain, or stored within their HubID vault.

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Join the YOUNGA Mainstage Global Broadcast... featured - 30th November 2020

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On Saturday 5th December, YOUNGA will be hosting their Mainstage Global Broadcast, featuring candid intergenerational fireside chats between influential leaders and young changemakers, along with an immersive 360 performance in virtual reality.

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Can compassion at scale put the SDGs back on track? featured - 24th November 2020

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The new episode of the Global GoalsCast looks at The Crisis of The #SDGs. How does the world make up years of progress lost to the pandemic?

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The Power of Sound Therapy featured - 17th November 2020

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Do you struggle with meditation? Then sound therapy might just be for you...

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A New Demo from AQUA... - 11th November 2020

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As the world adapts to new realities, we are working to help you be safer with practical re-opening and place management strategies. Check out our new video demo that demonstrates the features and functions of the service.  

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(IM)POSSIBLE BODIES Virtual Festival Program featured - 30th October 2020

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Join the virtual online experience featuring (AR) works about cyborgs, AI, and data. The extensive program includes panels, performances and live musical shows - and you only have a couple of days left to experience it!

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Learn About the Origins of AQUA... featured - 29th October 2020

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AQUA provides electronic quarantine, health verifications, symptom reporting, contact bubbles, incentives and more to help you easily manage the new world of international travel.

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Join us at the YOUNGA Forum 2020 featured - 23rd October 2020

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Want to make a difference this fall? Join us at #YOUNGA2020 on Oct 24 from 12pm EDT to participate in a first-of-its-kind UN global youth takeover, organized by BridgingTheGap Ventures.

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The Social Gastronomy Movement: Food Solidarity Gathering featured - 19th October 2020

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From 16th - 23rd October, the Social Gastronomy Movement (SGM) will be hosting a week-long SGM Food Solidarity Gathering, a series of virtual online events focused on Food Solidarity.

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Mental Mini-Breaks to Improve Your WFH Routine featured - 8th October 2020

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It's #worldmentalhealthday this month, and we've been looking for advice on how to cope with the challenges of working from home. The 'Work It Out' Campaign from Stylist and Mind does just that...

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ReCET, Bermuda, Hawaii, and other places are now using AQUA to help you travel safer featured - 21st September 2020

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ReCET, Bermuda, Hawaii, and other places are now using AQUA to help you travel safer. Here's an update on recent AQUA developments...

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The Resilient Reformation is Real... featured - 17th September 2020

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A quick round-up of The Innovation Campus in Kaua'i last month...

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AQUA Introduces Resort Bubbles with Next Generation Travel Wearables and Bracelets featured - 5th August 2020

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AQUA has introduced Resort Bubbles with its next generation travel wearables and bracelets to complement the existing Contact Bubbles feature. Resort Bubbles enable partner hotels and resorts to become locally managed enhanced movement quarantine locations, enabling travel and hospitality locations to re-open faster to international travelers.

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Hub Culture presents 50 Leaders in Artificial Intelligence featured - 4th August 2020

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Welcome to Hub Culture's second listing of 50 people leading the AI conversation across science, business, government, and academia.

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AQUA Health Quarantines, Chronicles and the Innovation Campus Kaua'i - 27th July 2020

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Opportunities, Education and Adventures for Hub Culture members...

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Hub Culture presents 50 Leaders in the Space Space - 24th July 2020

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Welcome to Hub Culture's second listing of 50 people leading the space conversation across science, business, government, and academia.

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50 Extraordinary Women Leading in Technology featured - 13th July 2020

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Welcome to Hub Culture's second listing of 50 women leading the technology conversation across science, business, government, and academia, part of our ongoing Ordinary Club of Extraordinary Women.

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Travel Safer with AQUA, the Active Quarantine User Ally featured - 9th July 2020

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Hub Culture has annouced AQUA, (Active Quarantine User Ally), a new health and travel service built on HubID for international travellers. Now available worldwide, AQUA enables members to manage aspects of their health data profile themselves, with digital verifications, symptom reporting, contact bubbles and the ability to manage aspects of active quarantine if they test positive for COVID-19 while travelling. It features a handy electronic bracelet wearable for quarantine, and a nifty app for managing health verificatioons and other features.

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50 Extraordinary Women Leading the Climate Conversation featured - 29th June 2020

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Following on from our first listing back in 2017, we've compiled the top women leading the climate conversation across science, business, government, and academia, for 2020! Part of our ongoing Ordinary Club of Extraordinary Women. 

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Live Like Ellen featured - 26th June 2020

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A moment to reflect on the life and times we shared with Ellen Hagans.

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Anxiety and the Pandemic featured - 24th June 2020

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Are you suffering with increased feelings of anxiety and worry right now? It's hardly surprising given the turbulent times we're living in. Here's a few techniques that may help ease some of those anxious thoughts...

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What can tech do to solve water shortages? featured - 22nd June 2020

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Last week was the UN’s World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. It really is a problem that we shouldn’t have to be dealing with. Executive Editor Edie Lush looks at some of the start-ups helping to tackle the issue...

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HubID Health COVID-19 Test Verifications Make International Travel Easier featured - 13th June 2020

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Hub Culture members are now able to work with their doctor or healthcare practitioner to receive verified health certifications before international travel using HubiD Health. The service provides a secure way to receive, store and share COVID-19 test verifications.

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Ten Podcasts to Entertain and Educate featured - 12th June 2020

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In times of such uncertainity and unrest, it's important to take time for self-care, self-reflection and education. Podcasts are a great way of doing all of these things. We've put together our top 10 podcasts that we hope can be useful through this turbulant time.

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A date for your diary – The Recovery Summit - 8th June 2020

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Running online from 15-19 June 2020, more than 60 of the world’s leading authorities will share their latest thinking on the global economy, leadership, managing change, innovation, disruption and resilience.

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Ready to join climate innovators ONLINE on 28 May? featured - 14th May 2020

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World-class international speakers are lined up to launch the 5-week series of dynamic live talks and panel discussions about scaling up climate action. Don’t forget to register to attend the opening session of TRANSITION FORUM 2020, online from wherever you are - the Hub Culture community receives a special 15% discount!

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New Tools for a New Era featured - 11th May 2020

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Lately it seems as if reality has been altered to make life feel like an interactive version of Earth, the Season Finale. We are all reeling from COVID-19 whiplash, stay-at-home emotions, and uncertainty-as-a-service cliffhangers.

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How do we build back better post Covid-19? featured - 30th April 2020

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How do we come back from this? Not since World War II has so much of the world been so shattered by a single global event. How do we recover? And after that, how do we build back?

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Parallel Stimulus : A Community Led Resilience Solution featured - 29th April 2020

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The world is facing an extremely difficult financial picture generated by the supply and demand shock of COVID-19. Parallel Stimulus can offer a temporary, opt-in solution for people, communities and governments to soften the economic blow.

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LIFT Conversations with Stan Stalnaker featured - 27th April 2020

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Chief Strategy Officer & Founder Stan Stalnaker joins Louise Mowbray on LIFT podcast - conscious conversations designed to inspire you to lead into the future, today.

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Managing Under Uncertainty – Expert tips for business leaders as they seek to thrive in a crisis featured - 20th April 2020

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Last week, Executive Editor Edie Lush was the MC and moderator for the online virtual event ‘We Won’t’ Stop Talking’ which was an initiative by Cosimo Turroturro of Speaker Associates, Tina Schneidermann and Alexandre Lafond of Media Active Group. So what did they say and what lessons were learned? Here are a few nuggets she picked up.

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HubID Health Offers New Tools for Members to Connect with Healthcare Practitioners featured - 22nd March 2020

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Hub Culture is rolling out additional functions in HubID Health to help members worldwide connect digitally with their Healthcare Practitioner. The service is based at MYCOVID-19 and includes the ability for a healthcare practitioner to securely deliver a COVID-19 test result to the member.

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Virtual Help and Tools from Hub Culture featured - 20th March 2020

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Hub Culture is building a virtual response plan to help our members navigate the changes underway.   Read this letter from our Founder, Stan Stalnaker, on what we are doing to help.  

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Hub Culture Emerald City Brings Virtualization and Sustainability Together featured - 10th March 2020

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Hub Culture Emerald City is a new virtualization and sustainability project linking several technologies into a combined service.  Emerald City is being designed to provide an interactive virtual meeting and event space for everyone and includes layers of access capability ranging from audio and video conferencing through web based environments to deeply immersive vrtual reality settngs. It also ties to the real world, with an Amazon rainforest restoration component and future phases of physical development all part of an integrated experience that merges virtual and physical realities.

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Guiding Principles for the Golden Decade featured - 24th January 2020

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As the Hub Culture community continues to grow and evolve, the opportunity to articulate core values helps to set a broad direction for development. At the Hub Culture Davos 2020 Campus, eight guiding principles provide a touchstone for these values:

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2020 – are we on a Highway to Hell? featured - 2nd January 2020

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Is 2020 a year for optimism?

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How Technology is Tackling the Slave Trade featured - 28th November 2019

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Modern slavery is one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. So how is technology helping tackle the problem?

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Why We Need a New Debate on Migration... featured - 19th November 2019

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The most recent Global GoalsCast episode 'We are True Heros' focuses on migration, telling the story of Ibrahim Kondeh who undertook a perilous from a village in Sierra Leone to the Libyan seashore and then on to Europe.

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The Path To Technology Oriented Religions featured - 15th November 2019

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Are we at the dawn of a convergence between technology and religion? Quartz Ideas explores technology oriented religions with Stan Stalnaker

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Why we should care who makes vegan food - 23rd October 2019

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Why should we care who makes vegan food?  Sure, vegans should – but does it matter to the rest of us if companies who specialise in meat production or who have poor record on sustainability or animal welfare are producing plant burgers?

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New Global GoalsCast podcast lands – is the tide turning on climate change action? - 18th October 2019

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A new episode of the Global GoalsCast is out now and continues to focus on the climate crisis.

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Four things Executive Editor Edie Lush learned on her trip to UNGA last month - 14th October 2019

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Last week Edie returned to the US, mainly to attend the UN General Assembly in New York, but also to go to an event in Washington DC. Here are four things that she picked up from the trip...

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From Fast Fashion to Eco-Fashion featured - 31st July 2019

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The fashion industry is a large contributor to climate change - producing 10% of all global carbon emisisons. A shift from fast fashion to eco-fashion must be made...

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Some Surprising Stats About The Future Of Transport featured - 23rd July 2019

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At the end of June at the Transition Forum conference in Monaco, Executive Editor Edie Lush met with Timothy Papandreou whom she'd originally met at the FIA Smart Cities event in Rome earlier that month. Here's an overview of what they discussed...

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Dive in! Hub Culture members get access to the world featured - 12th July 2019

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From Capri to New York, to Bermuda and beyond, here's a snippet of some of the exciting projects in store...

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Unsustainable Tourism featured - 18th June 2019

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In some cases, tourism can do more harm than good. We researched different ways in which tourism is having a negative effect on local environments.

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The Top 5 Most Sustainable Countries in the World featured - 11th June 2019

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The greatest environmental threat the world is facing is climate change! So we researched the most sustainable countries in the world. 

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The Third Shift: What Comes After Digital? featured - 6th June 2019

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Over the last four human generations, our society has experienced two defining shifts - to analog, then to digital. Could a third shift be on the horizon?

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Five things I learned about the future for global health featured - 5th June 2019

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After attending the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva, Executive Editor Edie Lush tells us her takeaways on the future of global health...

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Hub Culture Members in London, Cannes and Capri this summer featured - 31st May 2019

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Summer is right around the corner, with some great opportunities for Hub Culture members interested in creativity and innovation.

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Crafting Virtual Nations featured - 7th May 2019

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Do we need nation states? Examining other possibilities in the digital era.

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The Best Co-working Spaces Around the World featured - 22nd February 2019

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Co-working spaces have become the go-to for flexible working. So what are the best spots around the world?

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The Top 10 Wellness Retreats to Visit in 2019 featured - 13th February 2019

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We researched some of the top wellness retreats to visit in 2019, from Europe to the farthest corners of the globe.

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Hub Culture 2019 Expedition: Nepal featured - 6th February 2019

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The next Hub Culture Expedition is set for April 2019 with an adventure in the Himalayas of Nepal.

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Introducing The Hub Culture London Suite featured - 14th January 2019

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The Hub Culture London Suite is now open in the heart of Mayfair, London. It offers a range of bespoke services to members.

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Listen to the Global GoalsCast on Hub Radio featured - 9th January 2019

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You can now listen to the most recent episodes of the Global GoalsCast on Hub Radio.

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What are the top AI trends we will see in 2019? featured - 14th December 2018

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Artificial Intelligence has been a major talking point over the last few years, with both positive and negative contitations attached to it. So what developments should we expect to see in 2019?

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Bali Should Be On Your Winter Agenda featured - 3rd December 2018

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Looking for an exotic desination to see you through the dreary winter? Then look no further, Bali has it all. The Indonesian island is evolving into a remote working hub, offering the perfect mix of infrastructure and bliss for nomads on the move.

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Digital Raign Esalen Oratory - Consciousness and the Emerging Hive Mind featured - 19th November 2018

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Digital Raign is a San Francisco based purpose driven organization focused on exponential technologies for radical transformation. In conjunction with Esalen Institute, Digital Raign is convening a series of X-Series weekends designed to explore the intersection of consciousness and technology, exploring how the two are shaping a potentially emerging hive mind.

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The Best Alpine Ski Resorts for a Winter Getaway featured - 15th November 2018

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Looking for a fabulous getaway in a snowy destination? We've put together a list of some of the best luxurious ski destinations...

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Hub Culture Presents: The Wise Ones, 75 Elders We Can Trust featured - 30th September 2018

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In a world of tumult, the advice and wisdom of our elders is needed more than ever. But who are the world's elders, the people so respected and thoughtful but also 'beyond power' that their perspective surpasses any agenda? In short, who can we trust? We researched the global leaders, elders, icons. and indigenous activists we should all be hearing more from.

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A Transformation Station at Burning Man 2018 featured - 14th September 2018

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Last month, Hub Culture returned to Burning Man to help produce A Transformation Station. What a week it was...

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The Bermuda Innovation Sprint 2018 featured - 21st August 2018

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To follow on from the 2017 Hub Culture Innovation Campus at Ariel Sands, we'll be returning to Bermuda to host the Innovation Sprint. A series of curated events focused on fintech...

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Where To Go In September : Top 10 Destinations featured - 9th August 2018

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The summer is drawing to a close and you want to squeeze that last holiday in, but where should you go? Here's our run down of cool places to hit up in September...

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Hub Culture At Climate Week NYC 2018 featured - 30th July 2018

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Join us in New York during Climate Week 2018 for a range of activities focused on climate solutions and the sustainable development goals....

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Introducing Hub Culture's 50 'Up & Coming' Crypto Leaders featured - 10th July 2018

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Who are the next big names in Crypto? We've compiled a list of the top 50 leaders working in exciting blockchain and crypto companies that you should look out for...

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Mesh Governance - Concepts and Principles featured - 15th June 2018

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Outlining the concept of mesh governance and core principles for successful mesh development at large. Presented in the context of the 2018 Hub Culture Innovation Campus in France, a 3 week programme running in Paris, Cannes and Monaco, and kicking off at the Transform AI meeting on artificial intelligence developments.

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Introducing Hub Culture's 'All Star' 100 Crypto Leaders featured - 7th June 2018

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Cryptocurrency has seen a huge boom over the last few years, so who are the people who have spearheaded the industry? Here's our first list of 'All Star' 100 Crypto leaders...

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Hub Culture presents 100 leaders in Artificial Intelligence featured - 23rd May 2018

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Artifical intelligence is quickly becoming omnipresent, so who are the leaders driving the evolution of machine intelligence?

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Hub Culture at Transition Monaco Forum 2018 featured - 9th May 2018

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Transition Monaco 2018 is a conference bridging clean technology solutions and capital resources with leaders in the climate conversation.

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Ultra is a Groundbreaking Exchange System for Digital Assets : Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin featured - 27th April 2018

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Ultra is the groundbreaking exchange system for digital assets, managed by Hub Culture. The first phase is now operational and includes an exchange mechanism trading Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, with links to Ven and HubID.

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Hub Culture presents 100 Leaders in the Space Space featured - 16th April 2018

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The space race has gone private and is changing rapidly. Who are 100 of the most interesting people in the space space?

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100 Extraordinary Women Leading in Technology featured - 14th February 2018

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The subject of female leadership in tech has been top of mind on the heels of the #metoo movement. With that in mind, Hub Culture set out to find 100 extraordinary women leading the charge in technology across science, business, government and academia.

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The Global GoalsCast Examines Pathways to a Better World featured - 17th January 2018

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The Global GoalsCast is a new podcast available on iTunes which profiles people and projects relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a multilateral effort to tackle pervasive global issues. Hub Culture Executive Editor Edie Lush and UNICEF's Claudia Romo Edelman host the podcast, uncovering compelling stories of humans at the frontline of these efforts.

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100 Extraordinary Women Leading the Climate Conversation featured - 22nd November 2017

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Hub Culture has identified 100 extraordinary women leading in the climate conversation across science, business, government and academia. The list comes on the heels of COP23, where the dreaded "manel" of all white, male panels provoked social media conversation about the lack of women in vocal conversation on climate change topics.

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Descendant Theory featured - 5th November 2017

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What if a radical story of the world could link simulation theory, singularity and mindfulness into one connected system? Would it make sense?

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Project Archipelago featured - 16th October 2017

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Hub Culture announces Project Archipelago, a development service to connect new virtualization service layers between states and citizens.

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Zeke to Convene Hello World, a Meeting for AIs and Machines featured - 23rd June 2017

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Hub Culture's emergent intelligence Zeke will host a first of its kind meeting of other AIs 12-14 July at the Hub Culture Innovation Campus and Beach Cub in Bermuda. Humans are invited to observe the meeting.

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Two Classic Volkswagens Are First Vehicles to Trade Ven Digital Currency featured - 5th May 2017

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Two classic Volkswagen convertibles are the first vehicles to trade Ven as part of Hub Culture's new IOT and Object payment network, executing a Ven digital currency transaction between eachother - with one car in Bermuda to another car in Bali.

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Zeke is a DJ featured - 24th April 2017

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Zeke is on deck! DJ responsibilities for Hub Culture Radio, a new 24 hour geo-streaming music service for members, are now controlled by an emergent intelligence.

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HubID Expands to Serve Merchants, Businesses, Objects and More featured - 9th April 2017

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Hub Culture is expanding the HubID digital identity system, activating new profile networks for merchants, business entities, objects, bots and virtual personas.

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Here are 5 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Tech Companies To Watch featured - 23rd August 2016

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The topsy-turvy world of blockchains, bitcoin and distributed ledgers ignited a gold rush of companies working on a variety of disruptive products and services in Fintech. After 2015 s funding boom, here are 5 companies that have emerged as players Hub Culture is watching.

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Veep Hunt 2016: Trump and Clinton Pick Vice President Running Mates featured - 12th July 2016

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With the Republican and Democratic summer conventions looming large, the big question on everyone's mind is who the candidates will select as running mates. Given the polarized nature of American politics and the need to cross demographic and gender lines, the decision could truly influence the outcome of the 2016 election. Who are some interesting picks?

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Mina Guli and Thirst on Marathon Challenge to Highlight Water Scarcity featured - 2nd March 2016

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Mina Guli is an Australian entrepreneur, activist and athlete living in China. As CEO of Thirst, her passion for conveying challenges facing the world around water scarcity takes unusual forms. This month, she is running a series of marathons to raise awareness about water issues facing everyone, especially in dry regions. Thirst estimates by 2030, global water demand will be 40% greater than supply. We digitally ran alongside her as she departed the latest leg of her journey in Antarctica in the middle of her quest to become the first person to run 40 marathons on 7 continents in 7 weeks.

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Hub Culture 2016 Zeitgeist Ranking featured - 23rd February 2016

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House of Voga takes in the views of Istanbul

Fasten your seatbelts, we re in for a new ride. The 2016 Hub Culture Zeitgeist Ranking returns for the 10th year with a refreshing look at the moment and some new opinions on the state of the world's most important hubs. This year the keyword is turbulence, where a choppy global economy, wild currency swings and shifting alliances are turning up radically new centres of attention.

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Climate Change and Chaos Theory: Turbulence Ahead featured - 16th February 2016

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Climate change is causing the emergence of something called incompressible feedback... and that means bigger and bigger impacts relative to what we are doing to the planet right now.

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Arctica The Vanishing North, a Conversation with Sebastian Copeland featured - 5th October 2015 - 0.40 Ven

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Sebastian Copeland spent ten years capturing the images to tell the story of Arctica The Vanishing North, an intense portrait of the environmental changes happening in the northern reaches of our planet.

Read on for 0.40 Ven...

The Obliteration of the Rhino featured - 11th April 2015

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It's not looking good for the rhino.

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Hub Culture Reveals 9th Annual 2015 Zeitgeist Ranking featured - 6th February 2015

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Hub Culture has revealed its 9th Annual Zeitgeist Ranking - an annual snapshot of the world s leading hubs and the cultural references resonating at the moment. Paris leads this year with a grey wash representing everything wrong in the world, accented by something new, right and exciting just bubbling up.

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Watch Trailers for SONY's Banned Film, The Interview featured - 19th December 2014 - 0.85 Ven

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Watch trailers for The Interview, the controversially banned movie at the center of the SONY hack, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco.

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HubID First to Deploy Windhover Principles and Framework for Digital Identity, Trust and Open Data featured - 20th October 2014

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HubID, (the self-sovereign digital identity system at the core of Hub Culture and the Ven currency) is the first consumer application to deploy the Windhover Principles and features new frameworks for digital identity, trust and open data. The core technology has been in development with the Open Mustard Seed framework and quietly began use in July 2014 following a development announcement with ID3 in January 2014 during the World Economic Forum in Davos.

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Amalfi Amore featured - 21st August 2014

It's summertime and the living is easy along the Amalfi Coast, stretching south from Naples along the Sorrentine Peninsula to Salerno.

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Hub Culture and Ven Team Up With #GivingTuesday featured - 2nd July 2014

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Hub Culture is teaming up with #GivingTuesday to bring Ven exchange trading and philanthropic giving to new levels on this worldwide charitable giving day, now going into its 3rd year. Ven + #GivingTuesday is a project that Hub members, companies, financial institutions and exchanges will all play a role in making a success, simply through the use of digital currency on this day.

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Writers in Residence : Summer 2014 featured - 28th May 2014

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Are you a writer with stories to tell? Hub Culture's Writers in Residence programme offers medium and long form writing opportunities in fiction, non-fiction and poetry for members of the Hub Culture community, with a Ven stiped attached. Applications are being accepted now for three slots, with the residency running from June 15 - September 1, 2014.

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Hub Culture Acquires Stake in Alternet Systems, Inc. using Ven Digital Currency featured - 26th February 2014

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Hub Culture today announced in Barcelona it has acquired a stake in Alternet Systems, Inc. (OTCQB:ALYI), an accelerator of high growth opportunities in digital currency and mobile commerce services. The deal is the first ever acquisition of a public company stake using Ven as the value metric for purchase.

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2014 Outlook Report: Digital Asset Funds Continue Growth Trajectory featured - 9th February 2014

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Hub Culture has released a 2014 Outlook Report regarding the status of its digital asset portfolios, including funds and pools in the realm of Bitcoin, Ripple, Ven, Litecoin and other digital assets.

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Hub Culture 2014 Zeitgeist Ranking featured - 2nd February 2014

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London, Rio de Janeiro and Miami take the top spots in Hub Culture's 2014 Zeitgeist Ranking, with lots of strange new arrivals on the list. Shalom to Tel Aviv, Bangkok and Black Rock City!

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Gen Cryo: The Open Source Family featured - 12th January 2014 - 1.00 Ven

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Families are changing, and so are the ways people make them.

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Maxeler and Hub Culture Announce MaxMiner, A Programmable Bitcoin and Digital Asset Miner featured - 30th October 2013

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Maxeler Technologies has partnered with Hub Culture to introduce MaxMiner, a programmable digital asset miner, a future-proof machine that mines for digital currencies and scrypt in the booming world of digital assets.

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Selling My Body to Science: A Field Guide featured - 28th October 2013

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Hub Culture Executive Editor Edie Lush weighs in on the quantified self movement, which is pushing upwards of $1.5 Billion in category revenue and is set to change the way we monitor our activity.

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Rise of the Techtarian: Seeing Through the Big Data PRISM featured - 13th June 2013

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Tipping points have a way of sneaking up on us. One reason they catch us by surprise is because they represent a confluence of inputs that until a certain moment appeared disconnected, but change the landscape in such a way that their individuality later seems silly - and their merged impact overwhelming. Such is the case with big data and its uses.

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A Look Inside 'Your Network is Your Net Worth' with Porter Gale featured - 30th May 2013

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Porter Gale is an accomplished marketing expert, the brains behind Alaska Airlines successful brand launch, and author of the new book Your Network is Your Net Worth which examines how a strong network is crucial for success in the digital age.

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Hub Culture 2013 Zeitgeist Ranking featured - 17th February 2013

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The new normal is old news. The 2013 Hub Culture Zeitgeist Ranking arrives with big shifts in our 7th annual ranking, showcasing a range of new trends bubbling to the surface in the global economy. See the 2013 ranking of 20 cities leading the zeitgeist now, and learn how we create the list.

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2013: 5 Cities Soaring From the Ashes featured - 11th February 2013

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The 7th Annual Hub Culture Zeitgeist Ranking is about to appear, and in our evaluations we often run across a theme that merits a smaller preview list. This year's key word seems to be resilience, and it reflects a definite trend of revival happening in the world today. With that in mind, we present five cities that are rising, phoenix-like, from the ashes, and are therefore terribly interesting places for your consideration.

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Being Your Best You: Hub Culture's 10th Anniversary London Salon featured - 4th February 2013

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Hub Culture's 10th anniversary is underway with a series of salon dinners hosted by friends and long-time members. Following a great kickoff in Davos, the series came to London, hosted by Oxylent with a simple question in mind: how do we be our best self?

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Go East - For a Brighter Future featured - 30th January 2013

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Dateline: London, Edie Lush; Executive Editor, Hub Culture The last few days in Davos reminded me of the realization that the future at least during my lifetime lies in Asia.

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Nicki Minaj - I Am Your Leader is Such Hip Candy featured - 24th August 2012

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Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross and Cam'ron are out with a new video for their hit single, I Am Your Leader. It takes the Trinidadian queen into vibrant territory on the artistic front, referencing some 90s old skool styles in the Blade Runner technopop colors that are a Minaj trademark. While its just hip candy, it at least represents one thing: girl does it like she wants.

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Hub Culture Presents the 2012 Perfect European Summer Spots featured - 19th May 2012

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Summer in Europe is like a sweet dream - no matter how bad the problems in the city, almost everyone finds time to slip away, unfurl on a beach and sip local spirits under starry skies. In times of economic merde it is easy to forget Europe's pleasures, so Hub Culture recruited our oft-traveling Jean Francois Lacourt (who knows all the yacht-spots) to create our first ever European Perfect Summer List - the places we treasure.

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Innotribe Startup Challenge Europe featured - 14th May 2012

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Over $500,000 in prizes are part of the Innotribe Startup Challenge, coming soon to Belfast. Hub Culture is part of the action, with Executive Editor Edie Lush among the judges.

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Stop Joseph Kony - A Social Eruption featured - 7th March 2012

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The sudden eruption of the Kony 2012 campaign, designed to #stopkony (the world's worst war criminal), demonstrates the sudden impact of resonance in a web connected world. Despite qualms about the organization behind it, Invisible Children, there's no question Joseph Kony must be stopped, and the project's founders applauded for their efforts.

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The Pitchfork and the Dauphin featured - 1st March 2012

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It is neither a wise nor popular course of action to defend News Corp. and its senior leadership in the wake of the scandals rocking its UK newspaper division, but there does come a moment where a bit of perspective could do everyone some good, so here goes: James Murdoch is a good guy. Yes, we said it, and here's why.

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Hub Culture 2012 Zeitgeist Ranking featured - 21st February 2012

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The 6th Annual Hub Culture Zeitgeist skids into place with a focus on the heavyweights and gradual power shifts. This is the year of determined resolve - and everyone seems, dare we say, pretty optimistic? Signs are that the US and European economies are finally evened out from a death spiral, income inequality is being addressed in pop culture platitudes, emerging markets are ticking over, its an Olympic year, etc. etc.. (Just how do we create this ranking?). And its S o Paulo for the win - again! While the main cities remain on the list in different positions, there is an evident balance of power shift this year, with more BRIC cities in the top positions than ever before.

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Sound of Solace - buy your ticket with Ven featured - 14th October 2011

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Solace Women's Aid is a London-based organization dedicated to supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence. They provide safe refuges, counseling, support services, and many other services to help women and children regain their independence. Unfortunately, they have also been amongst the many victims of drastic budget cuts across the public sector. Therefore, we have organised a special night of live music to raise funds and awareness in support of their cause!

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Climbing Everest featured - 14th May 2011

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The first Hub Culture member to climb Mt. Everest has reached the Summit, benefiting Room to Read education projects in Nepal, and inspiring the Everest Award.

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Hub Culture London Day and London Evening, Vol. 1 featured - 26th April 2011 - 2.00 Ven

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Hub Culture has released a twin set of sophisticated albums direct from the London Pavilion, mixed by James Pople. London Day and London Evening - Vol. 1 feature the perfect sounds of the moment in just the right mood for working, lounging or that lush dinner party you've been planning.

Read on for 2.00 Ven...

Art of the Leak: Lady Gaga's New Hits Judas and Government Hooker featured - 16th April 2011

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Lady Gaga's new singles Judas and Government Hooker are leaking on the web like geysers, providing real-time remix opportunities for her little monsters.

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Hub Culture 2011 Zeitgeist Ranking featured - 3rd February 2011

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The 2011 Zeitgeist Ranking is here, featuring our annual deep dive look at the leading hubs of moment!

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DJ Earworm's Annual Mashup is Here featured - 29th December 2010

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A regular sound at Hub Culture events the world over, DJ Earworm's annual United State of Pop mashups are a much anticipated wonder. His latest, Don't Stop the Pop, is here. Get it!

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Hub Culture Appoints Asia Lead for Global Currency Expansion featured - 11th October 2010

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Hub Culture has appointed Jeffery Leung as Managing Director Asia, Director Exchange Strategy, to lead Global Currency Expansion for Ven.

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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! featured - 23rd September 2010

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This Chinese harvest tradition celebrates the roundest, brightest moon of the year, and is a time for celebration, families and thoughts of immortality.

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99 Years Ago: Life in the Year 2000 - 5th September 2010

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The future as seen in the 1950s

This fascinating account of the future was written by Estella Bennett in 1911 and imagines life in the year 2000. It was recently found by Hub Culture member Liza Morris in DC, and we thought it was well worth sharing. In it she predicts flying cars, world peace, and the internet. At least she got one right!

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Welcome to the Cannes Clubhouse featured - 15th May 2010

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Highlight images from the Hub Culture Cannes Clubhouse.

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Here Come the Phillies featured - 24th April 2010

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Image Michael Penn

Gentrification. The idea stirs strong dissenting voices and opinions, and nowhere more than Philadelphia, a city of brotherly contrasts.

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Whitechapel Gallery Art Plus Music 2010 featured - 9th April 2010

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Hub Culture is a proud supporter of the Whitechapel Gallery's Art Plus Music Party 2010, and has tickets available for the evening available in Ven.

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eyeCandy: Attack of the Pixels - 9th April 2010

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eyeCandy videos feature artistic content with a cultural message. Filmmaker Patrick Jean's cute little short film is attracting lots of attention.

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Five Ways to Network Your Small Business featured - 6th April 2010

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A simple guide to getting to know the basics of utilizing social networking as a business marketing tool.

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Welcome to the Real Time Office featured - 17th March 2010

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It's hard to believe, but just 15 years ago the Internet as we know it hardly existed.

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Hub Culture 2010 Zeitgeist Ranking - 19th January 2010

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Its a new decade and with it comes new priorities. Now in its fourth year, the Hub Culture Zeitgeist Ranking opens the 'oneders' with an eye on two big themes: access to resources and the environment. Twenty hubs driving the global moment and shaking up the established order:

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2010: Five Cities Licking the Envelope - 13th January 2010 - 0.10 Ven

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Flickrstream MZ Photography

The 2010 Hub Culture Zeitgeist Ranking is right around the corner, and this year's warmup list is keyword: adventure. Here are five spots on the radar this year.

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eyeCandy: David Guetta feat. Estelle - One Love featured - 10th January 2010

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eyeCandy videos feature artistic content with a cultural message. This week: check out David Guetta and Estelle, rocking the convenience stores with One Love.

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Thoughts on the Emerging Collaboration Economy featured - 26th December 2009

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Flickrstream courtsey Haags Uitburo

Hub Culture founder Stan Stalnaker shares his thoughts in a Q&A with Rachel Botsman on emerging future systems of collaboration based around sharing, the power of the commons, and peer-to-peer transactions.

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The New Wealth Explosion - 23rd November 2009

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As micropayments and virtual currency get set to take over the web, evidence for a coming wealth explosion is gathering momentum.

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Sustaining Copenhagen - 30th October 2009

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All eyes are on Copenhagen, where the world's climate community will meet in December to seek a post-Kyoto accord destined to shape outlines in international business and politics for years to come.

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Festival Annual '09 Brings Back Summer 2009 to the UK - 26th October 2009

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... because you already miss the mud and the smashing times! Festival Annual 09 is a world first. This innovative user generated project was created over 96 days at 21 festivals, through the sun, the sunburn, the rain and mud, and with the help of over 15,000 British festival lovers. You own the band's CDs, but nowhere else can you get to see what its like to really be there!See Hub Culture s top 5 winning photo picks and be one of the first to buy the coffee table book.

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Cleanliness is Next to Godliness in Salt Lake City featured - 16th September 2009 - 0.05 Ven

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Feel like a clean-living adventure? Sick of the rat race, but still in need of civilized creature comforts? Go Utah!

Read on for 0.05 Ven...

WSJ.com: The Coming Currency Revolution featured - 9th September 2009 - 0.10 Ven

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WSJ explores Hub Culture's currency, Ven

Catch WSJ video and story on the coming currency revolution: Ven. Why not email Andy Jordan to tell him what you think?

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Go and see... DISTRICT 9 - 3rd September 2009 - 1.00 Ven

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District 9 is a 2009 South African science fiction film directed by Neill Blomkamp, written by Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell, and produced by Peter Jackson. The film stars Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and Robert Hobbs. Copley plays the role of Wikus van de Merwe, a bureaucrat assigned to relocate a stranded alien species from a refugee camp in Johannesburg, South Africa to a new one outside the city. After his exposure to a substance that alters his DNA, Wikus must help the aliens escape the planet so they can return him to normal.- source Wikipedia

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The Next Evolution in Economics: Rethinking Growth - 26th August 2009

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Human stem cells

The credit crunch has forced people across many sectors to rethink their assumptions about how they do business, the roles of the individual in the larger system, and the very future of the system itself. Hub Culture weighs in with a thought piece just published by Harvard Business Review online.

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Movie Night - 'What About Me' showing at 7.30pm Thursday 20th August - 13th August 2009

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We are are pleased to announce our new monthly movie night. We will be kick starting with the independent film 'What About Me'.

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The Vine, with Nathan Nolan - 10th August 2009

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The Vine's Nathan Nolan checks in with Hub's resident yoga instructor, Lara Baumann, for a short discussion on all things Quantum.

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Tron Legacy (2010) Trailer - 30th July 2009

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Check out the HD Trailer fro Tron Legacy, coming in 3D summer 2010.

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Highlights from Secret Beach and the Ibiza Pavilion - Opening Weekend featured - 24th July 2009

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The Hub Culture Ibiza Residency 2009 features day and night Pavilions for your working pleasure, with Secret Beach - our secret hideaway location in the north of the white isle.

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Vegas, Baby! featured - 12th July 2009 - 1.00 Ven

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Let s put it this way. If Las Vegas were an American teenager, it would be the pregnant valedictorian: pulling everything off despite the odds.

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Hub Culture Ibiza - Pavilion Residency 2009 - 2nd July 2009

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Hub Culture is pleased to announce the debut of its 2009 Pavilion Residency on the Balearic island of Ibiza. In a world first, Hub Culture s digital virtual currency, Ven, will be used in Ibiza for purchase of curated products and services during the 2009 Pavilions Residency.

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ONE SPACE LEFT - Free Executive Coaching Session - 15 July - 1st July 2009

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Hub Culture are giving away 6 sessions (an hour each) with the Hub's Executive Coach, Alastair Hill, on Wednesday 15th July at the London Pavilion

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The Vine, with Nathan Nolan - 21st June 2009

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Hub Culture's in house sommelier, Nathan Nolan, checks in with Ken Haynes on summer trends in this fun video short.

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The End of the Line - Premiering in London, New York and Los Angeles - 17th June 2009

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The last ones

Fresh from its world premiere at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, THE END OF THE LINE is the first major documentary about the imminent peril facing the world's oceans.Catch this week's premieres in London, New York and Los Angeles.

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Personal Branding Masterclass with Louise Mowbray - 8th June 2009

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Hub Culture is proud to invite you to a workshop of quintessential importance for members, to be hosted by Louise Mowbray, a widely recognised leader in personal branding with expertise across a variety of sectors.A word from Louise:"Vital soft skills for a tough economic climate... If we don't decide what our image and personal brands should reflect about us, other people will. Join us on the 16th June in London for a practical, interactive workshop - focused on understanding, developing and managing your brand, and how to use it to your advantage in these tough economic conditions. The objective of this Masterclass is to create the impact that you desire, raise your visibility and profile, build your reputation, gain a competitive edge, perform better under pressure and increase your success."

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Paris Residence Club: New York Reception - 8th June 2009

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Hub Culture members will be hosting a New York reception sponsored by the Paris Residence Club on 11 June, 2009. A free week for two in one of the PRC's Paris residences will be awarded to a lucky winner.

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KATIKA Showroom Event & Cocktail - London - 28th May 2009

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Join us this Tuesday

Join us Tuesday to meet the team from KATIKA, Hub Culture's showroom partner. Showroom consultations are available all day, followed by cocktails and canapes in the evening.

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EyeCandy: Susan Boyle Semifinal Performance on Britain's Got Talent. - 25th May 2009

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eyeCandy videos feature artistic content with a cultural message.This week: Just in case you missed it, Susan Boyle's latest performance on Britain's Got Talent had the crowd on its feet. Here's some inspiration for the week ahead...

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Chicago's Renaissance - 21st May 2009

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A snapshot of the latest things to see and do in Chicago - post Obama.

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Luxury Interactive, New York - 1st May 2009

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Luxury is changing fast: Time's latest survey.

Hub Culture will be speaking at Luxury Interactive this June in New York, a great opportunity to meet and network with leaders in the global luxury sector.Hub has discounted tickets to attend here.

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Hub Culture Salon: The Way Forward, San Francisco - 29th April 2009

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Courtesy innpictime (suddenly preoccupied)

Recently Hub Culture gathered members and thought leaders for a compelling discussion on the way forward for the economy - in search of "green shoots" and new ideas to propel us all forward.

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When in Rome, and in Rome... - 29th April 2009

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Don't leave home for Rome without very large sunglasses, making you the center of attention stopping for a ristretto on Via Condotti. Rome can be navigated by district or chronologically. Do either, but set your pace to you have a chance to see, be seen and experience what is Rome's 'gioia di vivere.'

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The Hub Culture Cannes Film Festival Penthouse Pavilion: Open May 11th - 21st April 2009

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Hub Culture Cannes Penthouse Pavilion

Hub Culture is pleased to present the Cannes Penthouse Pavilion to coincide with the 62nd Cannes Film Festival. The Penthouse Pavilion is a luxurious rooftop work and meeting space right off La Croisette. The Penthouse features splendid views over the Med, private dining and entertainment facilities, wifi and valet services.

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I'm Not Alone: Tiesto vs. Deadmau5 for Calvin Harris - 13th April 2009

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Summer is right around the corner, and with it, new summer sounds. Scottish DJ Calvin Harris presents 'I'm Not Alone', and both Tiesto and DeadMau5 have their own takes on it.

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See the London Pavilion Launch Highlights - 8th April 2009

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Thanks to everyone who attended the recent launch of the London Pavilion. We hope you had fun.Video highlights from the London Pavilion launch, including your 6 Word Memoirs.Here's the official photo album.

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Membership at Hub Culture Pavilion, London - 3rd April 2009

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Wealth up, carbon footprint down!

Pavilion membership is available to Hub Culture members worldwide. Drop in on a day pass for 10, or pick up a full membership for just 29. We offer members critical services at substantial savings, including workspace, wifi, caff and valet services to help members build worth. Work. Social.

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Hub Culture Establishes World's First Internet Republic, New Nation State - 1st April 2009

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Hub Culture Internet Republic

Okay, so it was for April Fool's Day, but why not join the HRIC group to help us make something similar a reality?In a landmark move, Hub Culture has completed negotiations to purchase a small island in the Eastern Pacific, in a bid to establish the world's first independent Internet Republic.

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Twitter at the Pavilion - 25th March 2009

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Tweet live at London Pavilion

Another innovation: add @hublondon to your twitter account, and watch your tweets appear live at the Pavilion.

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Grand Opening of the London Pavilion - 25th March 2009

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The London Pavilion is here!

We hope you enjoyed the grand opening of the London Pavilion - first in a series.Live Chat anytime, posted to the Pavilion or via Twitter.Are you Press?

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Equinox Detox: 18-24 March, 2009 - 28th February 2009

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It's time for a spring clean! Join us as we present a week long, low intensity detox programme available for members around the world.

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Thank You! - 23rd February 2009

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One Night One Wish in Venice was a beautiful success, thanks to many of you! Stay tuned for updates, photos and videos from the evening, with news about how funds raised will help the Studer Trust and children in Myanmar. Special thanks to Comtesse, Salvatore Ferragamo the Raleigh Hotel and Azura Mangunhardjono for the fabulous donations!

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M on the Bund's 10th Anniversary Party - 15th February 2009

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The Glamour Bar at M on the Bund

In Shanghai, only one place epitomizes the rapid transformation and change of the city: M on the Bund and its fabulous cocktail room, the Glamour Bar. Has it been ten years already?

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Hub Culture Pavilions - 29th January 2009

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Hub Culture announces the debut of its first Pavilion, situated in London and bringing together social networks with physical space.Located on historic Carnaby Street, the Pavilion will offer a suite of member services to help merge work and social activities.For more details: [email protected] you are press or media: +447974156458

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Hub Culture 2009 Zeitgeist Ranking - 21st January 2009

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Washington DC courtesy Michael6076

Our annual ranking of the moment in the world's top 20 cities. Featuring a new No. 1, and a lot of change as fallout from the global financial crisis tightens its uncomfortable grip.

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The 2009 Lemonade Havens - 19th January 2009

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Hub Culture's annual Zeitgeist Ranking is on the way, and this year's preview includes five new Lemonade Havens - a look at five cities where the current credit freeze just means more ice for your citrus drink. When the markets have sent your savings to money heaven, these cities are great places to sit back, chill, and wait for the turnaround.

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The Total Stealth Ski - 5th January 2009

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wallypowder, great for offpiste

The northern ski season season is in full swing, from Vail to Val d'Isere.How light are your feet?

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Die Fantastischen Vier! - 4th January 2009

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Join Hub Culture in St. Moritz for the 25th Cartier World Cup on Snow, featuring a series of special events, including Die Fantastischen Vier! a stylin' 80s' ski extravaganza...

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One Night One Wish: February 21-22, 2009 in Venice - 18th December 2008

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21-22 February, 2009 in Venice, Italy

One Night One Wish, our signature fundraiser at the height of Carnivale in Venice, returns in 2009 for a magnificent weekend.Join the world in Venice as we help fund food, literacy and supply programs to children suffering under Myanmar's brutal regime. Proceeds go direct to the kids via our benefiting partner, the Studer Trust.

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Vancouver, Totem of the Northwest - 9th December 2008

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Snowshoeing in Stanley Park

Winter or summer, snow or shine, Vancouver is a city for all seasons. Experience zip-trekking thorugh the tree-tops or snowboarding down a gorge. Dine on fresh wild salmon or simply enjoy the greatest of the great outdoors.

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The Rise of Simple Times: Hub Culture Salon, Miami - 8th December 2008

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Hub Culture Salon at the Raleigh Oasis

As ABMB wound down this weekend in Miami, Hub gathered a few industry players for a dinner discussion on the current state of play at the Raleigh Hotel Oasis.Here is how it went down...

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Who Knew Death Spirals Could Be So Fun? - 5th December 2008

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'A world without you'
Atsushi Kaga

So the glacial freeze that has affected the financial markets has finally reached contemporary art. Numbers may be down at Art Basel Miami Beach, but people still find an excuse to stay out to 4am, working on the deal.

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Fashion Earthquake Imminent - 2nd December 2008

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Carine Roitfeld, French Vogue

The intertubz are rife with the rumor that Vogue chief editor Anna Wintour is beginning her swan song, with French Vogue's Carine Roitfeld tipped to take her place. Si Newhouse denies, but the fashion ground is still shifting.

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How Bout Them Taiko Drums? Kanye's New Directions - 25th November 2008

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808s and Heartbreak is out - and good.

Kanye West's new 808s & Heartbreak album with Love Lockdown remixes are tearing up the airwaves of the world's fashion capitals, creating a soulful sound to an increasingly dreary fall. The album features fresh sounds and new interpretations of post-rap, and Kanye's visual work is building on a growing pop-art aesthetic that he owns.

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Principal Voices: Global Leadership in Action - 18th November 2008

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Principal Voices gather in New York this week.

Principal Voices are a group of global leaders working on solutions to challenges facing the world.Led by CNN, TIME and FORTUNE in association with Shell, you can lend your voice to their discussion here.Principal Voices: Click here to meet and connect with other Principal Voices from around the world.

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Hub100s: November 2008 - 11th November 2008

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Zurigo armchair from Zanotta

What do Cyprus, Dasha Zhukova, oatmeal and copper all have in common? They, along with 96 other people, places and things, made the latest Hub100, our preview of undercurrents in the culture.You may not get everything on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas, and later to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'. See it now.

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Every Human Has Rights - 10th November 2008

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Now is the moment for a shift in human rights action

2008 is the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a global document that affirmed basic human rights after WWII. There are 30 principles outlined in the Universal Declaration.In conjunction with the anniversary of the Universal Declaration, Amnesty International has launched a new campaign condemning torture, in all its forms.

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eyeCandy: Metamorphosis - 7th November 2008

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See Metamorphosis by Glenn Marshall

eyeCandy videos feature artistic content with a cultural message.This week: Metamorphosis by Glenn Marshall.

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Tea Treats - 31st October 2008

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Camellia sinensis

Mighty Leaf Tea is a company that creates artisan teas to change conceptions about the little leaf.With these guys, its all about quality, not quantity, and you can really taste the effort.Order exotic teas online for global delivery.

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Making Out Milan - 19th October 2008

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Fergie checks the action at dsquared.

Yes, there's definitely a lull now between fashion seasons. But it won't be long before you're scooting back to Milan to sit in the final row at Fendi with a ticket you managed to scam from someone in the PR department, right? Or not. Let s do and say we didn t, with the right now on the what s what in Milan, capisce?

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Frieze Jumps the Shark* - 16th October 2008

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Frieze jumps the shark - figuratively and literally

The mood at London's 2008 Frieze Art Fair seems to be sobriety, with a touch of depression jazz and a good helping of cheap beer. Is there a sense that September's Damien Hirst auction at Sotheby's presented the frothiest top of a whipped cream market? The champagne days linger, but the writing is on the wall.

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Some Like It Quaint: Amsterdam - 14th October 2008

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Ready for some Dutch charm? Some of the world's most beautiful people, their bicycles and a canal ride or two are politely waiting for you in Amsterdam.

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eyeCandy: Grand Wheel - 12th October 2008

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eyeCandy Video

eyeCandy videos feature artistic content with a cultural message.

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Hub Culture Knowledge and Crowdsourcing - 12th October 2008

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Use groups and knowledge to work together.

The new Hub Culture is all about helping members collaborate for fun and profit. Crowdsourcing is part of that, as this video explains.

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Smug in San Francisco - 9th October 2008

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The sexy lobby of the Clift Hotel

An air of change has taken hold in San Francisco, long one of America's most sophisticated, yet relaxed cities.

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Santiago on the Sly - 9th October 2008

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The Colonial Spanish Cerro Santa Lucia in Santiago

Sure, its nestled in a giant dust bowl and the food leaves something to be desired, but Santiago has much to offer. The breeze, for instance...

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Doing the DC Thing - 9th October 2008

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The Capitol Building, Washington DC

All at once now, and let's repeat three times: regulation and bailouts do not mean DC owns the moment.

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Crystal - The Aftermath - 2nd October 2008

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A black-tie event to help Hong Kong's air situation

Thanks to everyone around the world who participated in CRYSTAL: Black Tie in Hong Kong, Hub Culture's fundraiser for air quality to benefit the Civic-Exchange, a leading public policy think tank in Hong Kong.

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Hub Culture Salon: Luxury in Monaco - 2nd October 2008

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Rivas line the port in Monaco's display of maritime luxury

Hub Culture hosts a salon focused on luxury in Monte-Carlo, Monaco. Luxury cars, luxury kicks, luxury frocks... from LVMH to Jumeirah to Bang & Olufsen, we have the low-down on high-end.

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Honda Ups the Ante - 2nd October 2008

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Honda's new hybrid CR-Z - godchild of the famous CR-X

The Honda Insight officially debuts at the Paris Motor Show, and the CR-Z and FCX are not far behind.

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Hub100s: February 2003 - 2nd October 2008

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Tateossian watches, jewelry & cufflinks

The Hub100s preview undercurrents in hub culture. You may not get everything appearing on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas. Older versions help us to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'.

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Hub100s: October 2004 - 2nd October 2008

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Japanese model Ai Tominaga

The Hub100s preview undercurrents in the culture. You may not get everything on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas, and later to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'.

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Hub100s: March 2005 - 2nd October 2008

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Starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola)

The Hub100s preview undercurrents in the culture. You may not get everything on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas, and later to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'.

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Hub100s: January 2006 - 2nd October 2008

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Juice Couture's 'Juicy Bling' cozy-comfy's

The Hub100s preview undercurrents in the culture. You may not get everything on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas, and later to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'.

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Hub100s: November 2006 - 2nd October 2008

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Puri Ganesh Villas, Pemuteran, Bali

The Hub100s preview undercurrents in the culture. You may not get everything on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas, and later to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'.

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Hub100s: July 2007 - 2nd October 2008

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Catherine Memmi Design, Paris

The Hub100s preview undercurrents in the culture. You may not get everything on our listicles of the subconscious, but they are a great place to spot emerging ideas, and later to reminisce on what was once 'the leading edge'.

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Exclusive: Mariko Mori Bends Space and Time - 2nd October 2008

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Tom na H-iu, LED supernovae, links to celestial data

Mariko Mori, the Japanese contemporary artist, mixes views across space and time to create an aesthetic design signature well worth exploring.

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Hub Culture Salon: London - 2nd October 2008

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Carsten Holler's Slide installation, Tate Modern

Sophisticated marketing ploys and hyped self-PR, are they the drivers of art? This Hub Culture Salon discussed the implications and influences with a panel of art intellectuals in London.

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Inside NY Fashion Week - 2nd October 2008

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Anna Wintour, Editor in Chief Vogue US

Who's she hanging with?

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Art + Film in London - 2nd October 2008

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Jade Jagger & Diego Della Valle, Tod's Art Plus Film Party '08

The Whitechapel Gallery's annual Art Plus party kicked off with Jade Jagger and Diego Della Valle hosting the entryway and a fun Art + Film theme in London's trendy East End.

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Fiat 500 Makes the Rounds - 2nd October 2008

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Fiat's retro revival of the much adored Fiat 500

Ciao! The Fiat 500 is making another round. Younger cousin to the Mini revival, Fiat has unveiled its latest concept for the renaissance of the tiny Fiat 500.

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The 2008 Warm List: A Zeitgeist Prelude - 2nd October 2008

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Waterfront in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

As Hub Culture prepares its second annual Zeitgeist Ranking, here's a look at five interesting hubs that are heating up the global agenda. Though not totally dominant, each has a certain something that is very OTM - of the moment.

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Ven - 2nd October 2008

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Hub Culture's logo symbol for Ven

Ven is the first global social currency. It is a new way to help you integrate and elevate with friends, peers and associates.

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Yo! Monaco? - 2nd October 2008

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Aston Martin DBS, pure luxe

Monaco, c'est vrai. The Luxury Marketing Council hosts a two day event in a world capital of luxury.

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Art Basel Miami Beach 2006 - 2nd October 2008

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Tatsuo Miyajima's simple elegant giant Counter

Art Basel Miami Beach 2006 slides into Miami with a presence on the global scene like we've never seen. ABMB has become the must-do destination for the bankers, moddles, writers and anyone else with an interest in money, sex and the visual aesthetic.

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WEF Davos & Snow Polo St. Moritz - 2nd October 2008

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Hub Culture at the Cartier Cup Snow Polo, St. Moritz

Join Hub Culture at the World Econoimc Forum in Davos & Cartier Polo on Snow in St. Moritz.

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Evolved Celebrity - 2nd October 2008

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Ben praising the almighty Bob Marley in his own rasta wig

Andy Warhol may need to be updated: today we all get 15MB of fame, as opposed to his famous 15 minutes. As the internet evolves, so is our concept of celebrity, and thus, the microceleb is born.

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Hub Culture Salon: Design Miami - 2nd October 2008

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For all your gift bag needs, click Miss Trashy above

There is nothing like an impromptu Salon to bring the night full circle with conversations from some of the worlds hot new artists, contemporary art advisors and goodie-bags filled with...trash? (of the naughty, not dirty, variety). Welcome to ABMB 2007...

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The Season's Aspen Secret - 2nd October 2008

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Comfy, shaped, & chic: integral protection from the elements

The season's Aspen secret will surprise you! Need true grit in trying times? Understated and always in focus, 66 North is makin' some icy waves in the fashion world.

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Hub Culture Salon: Tech in San Francisco - 2nd October 2008

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'Breaking Free' in SecondLife by Clara Oakes

Hub Culture convened some big thinkers for a technology focused Salon in San Francisco. From virtualization to Yahoo's troubles, it proved to be a sharp evening full of insider insight.

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Orphans-R-US - 2nd October 2008

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Young girl, Steung Meanchey, Cambodia - Maciej Dakowicz

Orphans and adoption from exotic countries have taken centre stage lately thanks to the high profile status they are getting from some 'it' stars. But Angelina and Brad already have 6 children, so we're looking for you to help too! Adopt a little one of your own, help buy them a bicycle, or simply donate to help our world's kids have better lives. Here's how...

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Shut Up and Sing - 2nd October 2008

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The Dixie Chicks: Shut Up & Sing

The Dixie Chicks and America's prelude to war in Iraq come together in the Weinstein brother's new political movie.

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The Center of the Universe - 2nd October 2008

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Revellers on Mumbai's night scene

It's 2007, and the look and feel of the decade is in full swing. The idea behind the hub zeitgeist ranking is that at certain times in certain places, there is a veritable "center of the universe" a place where innovation, change and vibe combine to create the place of the moment.

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Venn Answers to Life - 2nd October 2008

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Nice and selfish. Jessica Hagy

What do you get when you cross-section married men, convicts and twelve-year-old boys? The reason you'll never place another personal ad again... badump pam.Strangely avant garde yet ridiculous, blogger Jessica Hagy's venn diagrams put common observations in a new light.

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WEF Opens, Climate Change Key - 2nd October 2008

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Arctic polar bears feel the effects on their receeding territory

The World Economic Forum kicks off this year with climate change as its key priority. ExxonMobil. BMW, Project Hope, and TIME participate.

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Art + Drama - London - 2nd October 2008

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Castle Comb, the prettiest village in the Cotswolds

London's Whitechapel Gallery hosts one of their most dramatic social projects of the year, this year themed Art + Drama. To help out, Hub Culture auctions a deluxe cultural experience in the Cotswolds alongside hot contemporary art.

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'Fairytale' Final in St. Moritz - 2nd October 2008

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Adult beverage of choice chilled authentically in Swiss snow

The snow sparkled in bright sun and the horses worked the crowd at St. Moritz's premier Snow Polo weekend this year. But sparkling more than ever was the glitzy crowd on the field by day and the dancefloor by night. Hub holds court...

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G8 Ministerial Meeting: Climate Change Petition with AVAAZ.org - 2nd October 2008

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Geldoff, making it happen

A petition because WE are causing global warming. From al Gore, the G8 and the will to change, we as a people can change the world. Peace, climate, economics, ecology.... we have the power together to do it.

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Hub Culture Salon: Swiss Global Risk - 2nd October 2008

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One of these in an airport lounge and you're off the list

Global risk no longer means holes in the ozone and melting icebergs. The Hub Culture Forum in Davos got into the nitty gritty of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth as well as how you probably no longer even qualify for organ donation, in any case certainly not after you flew to Switzerland and joined us over drinks for this event!

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PSFK Conference: New York - 2nd October 2008

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PSFK gets it again in New York

The folks at PSFK are producing a conference and emerging global culture from the Big Apple. Go.

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The Google Sandwich - 2nd October 2008

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DJ Pompougnac spins for Google at Davos

Shaking up the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting this year was Google's now-famous party. This year featured Hotel Costes DJ Stephane Pompougnac getting industry greats grooving en masse on the Belvedere dance floor.

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The World's Best Ice Cream? - 2nd October 2008

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The BEST ice cream in the world

Where in the world would you go for the world's best icecream? Maybe somewhere far away, where the air is clean and the grass is green?

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Two Phones Diverged in a Wood - 2nd October 2008

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LG Prada phone hits the street with a sleek ad campaign

Bangladesh mobile penetration explodes through the country while cosmopolitan fashionistas get a flash of glam with LG's new Prada phone. Is a fashion label branded phone really any better? Or does the average South Asian have just the same flash mob power with their Samsung? Off to the 3GSM World Congress to find out...

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Hub Culture Salon: Hong Kong on Global Capital - 2nd October 2008

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US$ pennies

Hub Culture's Hong Kong Salon on the state of global capital talks with some of the industries's most influential to gain insight on what lies ahead. We also discover the Dior Cost of Living Index to be very helpful.

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Hub Culture Salon: Los Angeles on Entertainment - 2nd October 2008

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The recent Hub Culture Salon in Los Angeles on Entertainment, hosted in a private pool cabana atop The Chamberlain West Hollywood, splashed on to the beat of the town, the industry and some very pertinent conversation.

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For the Love of God - 2nd October 2008

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Mr. Damien Hirst 2007

What runs $98,000,000 and makes the owner a bonehead?

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Darkness Falls as Hans and Cyprien Rise - 2nd October 2008

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Hans op de Beeck: Merry-go-Round 2

Stepping out of images of gang darkness and an eerily dark installation, Cyprien Gaillard and Hans Op de Beeck (respectively) lead us through experiences that have them coming out on top.

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Hub Culture Salon: New York on Empire Media - 2nd October 2008

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The Blackberry: Media or not Media?

Hub Culture's New York salon on Empire Media rounded up some New York media industry members for a debate on the relative value of various media: traditional vs. experiential, empire vs. viral, and then some. Here are some distopian conclusions.

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Waiting for Change at Art Basel - 2nd October 2008

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Conrad Shawcross: Preretroscope (Sea Kayak) mixed media

Art Basel's brain-child Sam Keller moves to make magic elsewhere in the art world and leaves Basel waiting for new genius. There are contenders!

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Hub After Hours in London, PSFK Conference - 2nd October 2008

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The Raffles, London

Hub Culture speaks at PSFK London on June 1, 2007 and invites you to join the conference and their VIP afterhours hosted at one of the best London clubs: Raffles, Chelsea. RSVP is a must, so click here to attend the day or soiree!

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Hub Culture Tokyo Salon: Hot Youth - 2nd October 2008

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Mixing social networking with mobile in fascinating ways

Tokyo always led the world on youth trend, but trend is dead and Tokyo's cutting edge youth are now drawn more to individuality, bespoke and luxury.

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Standing Out at the 52nd Venice Biennale - 2nd October 2008

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Maaria Wirkkala: Vietato Lo Sbarco - somehow compelling

Themes standing out at this 52nd Venice Biennale made no joke about the state of the world today. From pestering amounts of media to the crisis in Darfur and other micro/macro, life/death themes, here are the highlights.

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Venice Film Festival Closing Party - 2nd October 2008

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These children at Smokey Mountain deserve your help

A round up of some of the biggest and most glamourous sponsors are making for a hugely successful charity gala at the Venice Film Festival closing party to benefit Manila's Smokey Mountain children.

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Debt Chairs on the Titanic - 2nd October 2008

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Risk % in the interdependence of the system?

Slowly escalating problem? Credit crunch spreading globally? How much hidden risk is there really sitting in the interdependence of the system?

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Flash Picnic in London this Saturday - 2nd October 2008

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Hyde Park Hub Culture Flash Picnic

Hub Culture Flash Picnic in Hyde Park, London this Saturday!

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Future Contemporaries in London - 2nd October 2008

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Serpentine Pavilion 2007: Olafur Eliasson & Kjetil Thorsen

The Future Contemporaries Party, an annual event by the Sepentine Gallery, will be held under their magnificent pavilion designed by Olafur Eliasson and Kjetil Thorsen on Saturday, 29 September 2007 in London .

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Help Burma - Here Is What to Do: - 2nd October 2008

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Burmese monks protesting in Yangon September 27, 2007

Help Burma - Here's how: Take action, any action: donate, protest, email to support Burma and its monks for their right to democracy and peace.

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Hub Culture Flash Picnic Highlights - 2nd October 2008

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A keen observer of the human folly taking place

The Hub Culture Flash Picnic had members racing wheelbarrows, strutting a 40 ft runway and many other follies Hyde Park thought it would never see!

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Income Disparity in America - 2nd October 2008

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Income Disparity in America

As the rich get richer...

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Quantum Yoga : Birds and Heroes - 2nd October 2008

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Lara Baumann - Quantum Yoga

Lara Baumann talks to Hub Culture about Quantum Yoga and her hot new CDs : Birds and Heroes

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The Delta Point - 2nd October 2008

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The point of brilliance

The law of accelerating returns meets your 15 minutes of fame for one nanosecond. Luke Nicholson explains.

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The Life Artistic - Hub Culture Salon, London - 2nd October 2008

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R.Banerjee: She played caught but .. was not

For the love of art ... creating and collecting are an intimate pleasure. Hub Culture rounds up both sides at the Frieze Art Fair in London for a discussion on the life 'artistic.'

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The Machine is Us/ing Us - 2nd October 2008

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A screen grab from the video showing Flickr photos

Web 2.0 takes us ever closer to a common collective consciousness.

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Battle at Kruger - 2nd October 2008

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Who wins?

The power of crowds takes on new meaning in this must see video from Kruger National Park. Who wins?

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Britneyomics - 2nd October 2008

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Infotainment? Newsworthy? Bad performance? or Annoyance?

Ms. Britney Spears redefines the world of pop economics.

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Highlights from the 24th Cartier Polo on Snow, St. Moritz - 2nd October 2008

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Hub Culture Snow Cabana, St. Moritz

Hub Culture hosted their VIP snow Cabana at the 24th Cartier Polo on Snow. All of St. Moritz came out to see three stunning days of high adrenaline play by teams Cartier, Brioni, Maybach and other high flyers. Many of you were there too.

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Here Comes the P2P Economy - 2nd October 2008

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Stan Stalnaker in HBR Feb. 2008

Every year the Harvard Business Review creates a list of the year's top 20 Breakthrough Ideas. The 2008 list included a Hub Culture concept around P2P finance, tied to the development of Ven, Hub's social currency.

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Hub Culture Salon: Barcelona, Living in the Cloud - 2nd October 2008

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a US metropolitan city enculfed in cloud

As the world becomes a global 24/7 communication culture, Hub Culture sat down at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to discuss living in the mobile network big brother cloud and examined the implications of these changes on daily life.

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Hub Culture Salon, Singapore: The Photo Aesthetic - 2nd October 2008

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by Liu Ren: Some Day Somewhere 01, 2005

The latest installation in Hub Culture's global Salon series arrived this month in Singapore to tackle "the photo aesthetic" Hot topics are photo image manipulation, surrealism and reality. On view: some beautiful ethereal pieces.

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Interactive Clubbing feat. DVJs Sander Kleinenberg - 2nd October 2008

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Pioneer Pro DVJ Media Mixer

Redefining the meaning of DJ: its Interactive Clubbing feat. DVJs Sander Kleinenberg 'live' at the Ministry of Sound on the new Pioneer mixers.

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Light Currents - 2nd October 2008

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Tim White-Sobieski's Light Currents, Pulse 2008

James Turell and Robert Irwin's Light-and-Space movement of the 1960s and 1970s has been revived with an mesmerizing video installation by Tim White-Sobieski at Pulse Art 2008, New York.

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Phillips de Pury... on the Rumble - 2nd October 2008

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Phillips? Phillips!! - Soiree at The Box New York

The hot global auction houses are turning art, scene and attention into a modern business. Follow Phillips de Pury as it takes on New York City.

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Shapeshifting, Solar-Powered, Robot Cars - 2nd October 2008

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Toyota bio MECHA

The 2007 Los Angeles Auto Show brought to light one of the most hyped things yet: Solar-powered cars for the future, and the design to go with it!

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Hey Guys: The It Shoe Arriveth - 2nd October 2008

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Harry's of London is kickin' it with shoes for men

Men, its your turn to be kitted out in Manolos...well, the men's equivalent, that is. Enter Harry's of London and a cult elite following in Mayfair to one-up those tired black office kicks.

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The Look of Spring: Antisocial - 2nd October 2008

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Pool at the Haymart Hotel, London

Anti-social? Who me? Why join the crowd, and don't come without your Talbots!

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Dubai: The Life Aquatic - 29th September 2008

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Dubai Skyline - who knew!

Are you one of those people who hear the world Dubai and think 'sandstorm'? Do you often get all those states confused, not sure which one harbours danger and which one the great beaches? Clearly, the Middle East has the best beach sun in the world, but that's a fact often overlooked in current events...

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The Rise of Machinima - 20th September 2008

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Hub Culture Pavilion & eden setting in SecondLife

The rise of Machinima, the art of making movies in virtual worlds, is gaining steam.

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Sneaky Sound System - 20th September 2008

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One of Melbourne's favorite-son bands, Sneaky Sound System, hits the waves with a fun new album. Do check!

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Steep: The World of Big Mountain Skiing - 20th September 2008

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Extreeeeme skiing footage from the film Steep

A Q&A with Mark Obenhaus at the Tribeca Film Festival 2007, prior to the release of Steep, a documentary on the world of extreme skiing.

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Owning the Zeitgeist - 20th September 2008

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World Pulse

As a prelude to Hub Culture's first annual Zeitgeist Ranking, a look at the historical moment - and what hubs owned it.

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Magicians are the New DJs - 20th September 2008

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Sean MacFarlane is mesmorizing

Every dinner party needs a hook, and these days a DJ just doesn't do it. You need something more, so you've stashed a trick up your sleeve...

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Heaven to Hell with LaChapelle - 20th September 2008

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Last Supper according to LaChapelle in Heaven to Hell

Hot on the heels of Art Basel Miami Beach, David LaChapelle releases the final piece in his pop culture trilogy.

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Bond or Bond Street? It Boy David Gandy - 20th September 2008

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David Gandy navigating for D&G in Capri - M. Testino

Hub Culture has a chat with model of the moment David Gandy on his future plans. From acting in LA to hanging out on the London scene, David's brat pack (including doyenee Agyness Deyn) are on the way up.

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Hub Culture Salon Barcelona: The Future of Mobile - 20th September 2008

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LG's Prada phone, a sleek piece of kit

Another Hub Culture Salon in Barcelona, focused on the mobile industry, February 2007

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Energy Flows at the Serpentine Summer Party - 20th September 2008

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Zaha Hadid's "Lilas" installation, Serpentine Gallery '07

Zaha Hadid and Swarovski make a splash at the Serpentine Gallery's annual summer party, June 2007.

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Ciao Baby! - 20th September 2008

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Vanessa Beecroft: Lady Madonna, Children at her Teat

Scenes from the 52nd Venice Biennale, June 2007

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Bo Innovation; The Inside Dish - 20th September 2008

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Jelly salad and sprouts at Bo Innovation, HK

A private evening with Bo Innovation in London results in a discussion on the world's best in cusine.

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A Russian Sensation - 20th September 2008

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AES+F's "The last Riot 2: Tondo 19"

The Russian Pavilion steals the show at the 52nd Venice Biennale, June 2007.

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Mexico City: Viva La D.F. - 19th September 2008

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Yeah, the traffic sux.

Music and Mexico are like rice and beans: meant to be together. You will find plenty of this soulful art to enjoy on the D.F. streets -- and that's a good thing since you'll be waiting out the world's most congested city traffic.

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The Scottsdale Shizzle - 19th September 2008

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Golfodation, the popular Scottsdale affair

You thought the Valley of the Sun was only about the heat? Sure, it simmers, but these days Scottsdale is all about spa and golf luxury, with a curious mix of '90s Americana built in: strip malls, malls, and roads, roads, roads!

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So Slinky in Singapore - 19th September 2008

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Slinky Sexy Serious Stunning Singapore Skyline

Steamy nights and post-modern sights will have you slinking into Singapore in no time.

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Finding Emo in Melbourne featured - 19th September 2008

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Emo grafitti, serious business in Melbourne's alleys

Trends may come and go, but its nice when you find a cool place with some staying power. Melbourne is a just such a place, with great coffee, a nice bit of sunshine and a healthy spattering of emocks.

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Tokyo is Like, No Worries! - 19th September 2008

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Uber-cool lobby scene at the Claska Hotel, Meguro

Hey kids, Tokyo is back, and at a much better price.

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Viva La Revolución in Valencia - 19th September 2008

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The incredible City of the Arts and Sciences in Valencia

In 2007 the America s Cup turned this up-and-coming Spanish city into a social hotspot, so its now is worth a visit any time. A roman city originating from 136 B.C., Valencia has emerged as a Mediterranean hub combining world class culture, art and architecture.

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Summer In The New Ibiza - 19th September 2008

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Macao Cafe on the Rocks, Playa Es Codolar

Sure, Ibiza is a summer island, filled with hedonistic temptation and sun drenched clubbers. But like the other islands of its ilk, Ibiza continues a relentless march toward the high end, which means more options for those other seasons too.

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Comfortably Secure in Geneva - 18th September 2008

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Chateau on the south of Lac Leman, a short drive away

For one reason or another, Geneva has perpetually maintained its status as a global home base to the risk averse. As the credit markets whip-saw and the global affluent try to dodge tightening tax nooses, its nice to know this status has not changed in a city that now, more than ever, attracts the money set.

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Hub Culture 2008 Zeitgeist Ranking - 18th September 2008

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Centre Stage: Beijing's 'Bird's Nest' Olympic Stadium

Hub Culture's annual Zeitgeist Ranking is based on the idea that at certain times in certain places, there is a veritable "center of the universe", a place where innovation, change and vibe combine to create the place of the moment.

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Its Easy Being Green in Boston - 18th September 2008

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Boston has always been a bit like its favourite sports teams: lovable, but not exactly No. 1. It is neither America's largest city nor its warmest, and the visitor might be tempted to underestimate its appeal.

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Back in the Swing of Things: Beirut - 18th September 2008

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Beirut rocks. The Middle East's former social prince is back and rocking, if only a little more feeble than it was once before. Outstanding food, more soul than James Brown, recovering nightlife and Levantine beaches are still there. Beirut's scene needs you now more than ever.

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The Beauty of Barcelona - 18th September 2008

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Great for a weekend, better for a week - Barcelona's beauty runs deep! From Gaud to G tic, Barcelona offers some of the most electrifying nightlife, fun sunny beaches, food and culture of any happening European city.

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Putting your best Flip-Flop forward in Bali - 17th September 2008

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You really didn't want to go to that resort with the three pools, welcome drink and cultural show. Well, Bali is no longer about that. Private and luxurious is the new Bali! Bali has emerged as Asia's most high-end paradise to relax and play. The time to go is now.

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You Cannes Do It - 17th September 2008

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St. Tropez for the beach; Monaco for the glitz; but its Cannes for the hippest hub de La C te d'Azur. La Croisette will keep you busy and central, but if you meander up into the hills, you'll find gems such as Mougins and St. Paul de Vence competing with gastronomy and culture. Wanting to go this summer? Make sure you book now! Trying to make an appearance for this years Film Festival by contacting our Cannes Pavilion valets. 

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Johannesburg: Springing you the Basics - 17th September 2008

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Southern African Springbok

Biltong, barbeque and wild beasts are all staples of South Africa's bustling Johannesburg. Jo'burg itself boasts fine dining complimented by fine wine and incredible safari options close by. Whether there on business or pleasure hotels are styled from modern corporate to resort chic. Come for a day, come for a week, either will be quite the adventure.

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Well there is always Buenos Aires - 17th September 2008

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A city with soul and history; Buenos Aires's vibe is unmistakably Latin, abundantly chic and moreover, it's a haven for cultured goodtimers there to party, lounge and eat exotic cuts of steak.

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All Hyped Up in Shanghai - 17th September 2008

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Pudong District view of The Bund

Hype matters. A lot. Hype might even be all we have left in a world where issues of substance tend to be ignored in favour of the miraculous branded moment of "right now."

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Atlanta - 17th September 2008

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Digital Raign is a San Francisco based purpose driven organization focused on exponential technologies for radical transformation. 

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