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25th Feb 2011

Relief Efforts and Coordination via the Hub Culture Christchurch Venue

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In a new type of digital swarming initiative, Hub Culture has created a Christchurch Venue to enable community collaboration and connections in the wake of the recent devastating earthquake.

For now, activities for the "Pavilion" are centered at Cathedral Square, with meetings able to take place nearby at Yellow Rocket Bagel & Coffee, an adjacent coffee shop. As the community grows, Hub Culture expects to deploy up to 100,000 Ven to enable liquidity and help those affected by the earthquake. Soon, the Christchurch store will begin to grow projects, services and other capabilities from the local community in an effort to share resources and enable exchange using the Ven global currency as an alternative liquidity mechanism and as something to help the Christchurch community rebuild.

The Christchurch Venue has been created to connect citizens, aid workers, donators and other collaborators for long term engaged projects. Collaborate in the main group by sharing knowledge, resources and information, including discussions and files, to drive activity.

Group members can be easily contacted, and Hub Culture is looking for volunteer Valets to help coordinate action, and integrated chat, video sharing and Ven payment facilities will help to drive activity over the coming weeks and months.

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To make this project meaningful, we need your help - please share the link http://hub.vg/christchurch to community members, aid organizations and others working on relief in Christchurch, and help us connect the community with this extra layer of functionality.

Companies and organizations interested in helping to spark a dedicated Hub in this city to become a relief coordination point should get in touch with Hub Culture directly over email.

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