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22nd Nov 2016

Global Expansion, Grande Scale

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Taco Bell is one of the largest food chains in the United States, with a total of 7000 restaurants in the US alone with a strategy to double the business by 2022. So what about expansion outside of the US? Jason Weintraub, Director of International Development at Taco Bell, plans to grow a current 300 restaurants to a total of 1000 within 5 years.

How has Taco Bell managed to successfully expand into countries such as Japan where the market is so different? As Jason says, it's about adapting to local products and appealing to the local market. The reason Taco Bell has experienced success is a focus on being globally consistent yet locally relevant. You also need to identify key products that help introduce your brand to consumers and champion those products.

Jason explains that experiences in a global landscape affect operations in the US - consumers start requesting international products, something you need to be open to and willing to explore. New designs and innovations also become incorporated in various other markets.

Watch the full interview to find out more innovations Taco Bell have rolled out in global markets like Brazil.