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17th Mar 2011

Hub Culture Launches Coordination Point for Japan Relief Efforts: http://hub.vg/Sendai

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Hub Culture has launched a new disaster coordination point for relief efforts focused on Japan. The shortlinks http://hub.vg/sendai and inside Facebook, http://hub.vg/FBSendai, are designed for scaled collaboration among those working on assisting Japan with materials. Relief organizations, companies looking to make physical contributions, and logistics coordinators can all benefit from connecting to organize information, needs and offers that is shared to others in their own networks.

As the Hub Sendai project develops, the aim is to provide real-time collaboration to help affected parties move action and find opportunity. As relief supplies become offered from outside sources, Hub Culture is processing offers and materials into a Sendai store, where organizations can request to order donated items at no charge. This clearing house and connection point could make it easier for organizations to find resources and materials they need, to make requests, to connect to others doing work, and for the Hub Community to scout/search for needed items.

Eventually, the Hub will geo-locate to relief centers and build plans being created by Architecture for Humanity, to provide a face-to-face meeting point for similar types of collaboration.

The Ven currency can also be used to help organizations keep track of exchanges without having to use cash. Ven liquidity can be offered upon request and review for organizations in need of these tools.

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