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Please reload and retry in a moment.
This coordination Hub for relief and recovery in Japan is a work in motion. Â Here's and overview of how it works.
1. Project folders allow participants to develop projects. Â You can create a wiki of notes that can be updated and added to by others, and upload files attached to the projects to share other types of information.Â
2. Go to http://hub.vg/Sendai to access the Hub interface - here you can chat with others, get direct contact with Hub Culture Valets who are helping to coordinate requests, shop for donated items that are being made available by others, and access the community for messaging.
3. If you can add some information or links to your profile it will help others in the group identify those who can be helpful. To do so, click on your name at the very top-right of the website.
4. Â Hub Culture is working with donating suppliers to make materials available in the Hub Store for order. Â If you are a relief organization that needs materials, please send a request by posting to the discussion page, or making a Knowledge Request at http://hub.vg/Knowledge. Â You can also add to the wiki page in the Needs project. Â If you have materials to donate, please contact the Valets so we can get it listed in the store. Please include quantity, a photo if possible, and a description of the items and how they can be received.
Please feel free to add information, projects and self-swarm for coordination.
Information about the AJET Relief Fund and how to donate directly to JET participant needs:
(Contact [email protected] for more information)
You can donate money to the Japanese Red Cross Society at Family Mart:
Step 1. Use the machines where you can buy tickets.
Step 2. Look for this Kanji 募金. (The button has a heart and wings)
Step 3. Confirmation page (you can't get this money back etc.)
Step 4. Choose amount.
Step 5. Take receipt to the counter and pay.
You can also donate to the Japanese Red Cross Society online:
Other Organizations in Japan...
JENÂ http://tinyurl.com/4sp8mba
Peace Winds Japan http://www.peace-winds.org/en/
Good Neigbours http://tinyurl.com/4f6gtas
GlobalGiving:Â www.globalgiving.org/projects/japan-earthquake-tsunami-relief/
International Red Cross Appeals for Earthquake/Tsunami Relief:
Australia:Â www.redcross.org.au/japan2011.htm
Canada:Â http://tinyurl.com/4l6kb77
Ireland:Â http://tinyurl.com/4b5tpbn
New Zealand:Â http://www.redcross.org.nz/donate
Singapore:Â http://www.redcross.org.sg/Japan-Disaster-2011.phtml
UK:Â www.redcross.org.uk/Donate-Now/Make-a-single-donation/Japan-Tsunami-Appeal
US:Â http://tinyurl.com/6kqpjnl
You can also easily donate to the American Red Cross via your iTunes or Amazon.com accounts:
iTunes:Â https://buy.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/buyCharityGiftWizard
Amazon:Â http://tinyurl.com/4rcy5o3
Thanks in advance for supporting the Japan earthquake and tsunami relief effort!