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Hub » Events » Science dialogue on climate action and sustainable investment in Brazil

Science dialogue on climate action and sustainable investment in Brazil

Strategic Dialogue on Climate Action, Biodiversity Conservation, and Sustainable Investment in Brazil intends to discuss opportunities and possible alternatives to prepare governments, academia, and the private sector to implement appropriate public policies to achieve climate, biodiversity, and sustainability goals in Brazil. The session will connect government officials, private sector practitioners, and academics to discuss the goals in a practical way.

Organized by:

  • University of São Paulo 
  • Law for a Green Planet 
  • Institute São Paulo Bar’s Association

Opening Speakers:


  • Professor Paulo Artaxo | University of São Paulo | "The carbon market and its role in protecting biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest"
  • Professor Patrícia Iglecias | University of São Paulo and President of The Law for a Green Planet Institute | “The non-regulated carbon market and sustainable investment in the context of climate change.”


  • PHD Candidate and Professor Josilene Ferrer | University of São Paulo | "The connection between education, quality of life, poverty eradication, and the climate agenda".
  • Professor Gabriel Wedy | Federal Judge and Vice-President of Law for a Green Planet Institute | “Climate litigation in Brazil”.
  • Professor Tadeu Malheiros | "Public policies to promote climate justice in Brazil".
  • Federal Judge Consuelo Yoshida | “Climate Justice and the Agenda 2030”.

Founding Partners: Supercool, Hub Culture, Formula E, E1 Series, UN Global Compact Rede Brasil, the Female Quotient, Extreme E, Hedera, Starburst Accelerator, and Future Of _

Upon arrival, if by car take the spiral ramp to P5, check in at tower reception, and proceed to Future Mobility Hub at Supercool Center, 10th Floor.

map-marker Created with Sketch.   Future Mobility Hub, DMCC Uptown Dubai, First Al Khail Street
Starting on: 2023-12-05 @ 04:30 PM and ends on 2023-12-05 @ 06:30 PM
(All times are in Asia/Muscat timezone)

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