Hub Culture Dubai 2023 - Farhoud Meybodi 3515 views
Dive into the world of impactful climate storytelling with Farhoud Meybodi, Founder of Ritual Arts, in an engaging conversation with Edie. Farhoud challenges the status quo of climate films and television shows, which often preach to the converted. His latest documentary, 'Earthbound: Nzambi Matee,' presents a fresh perspective on climate storytelling. Meybodi emphasizes the need for environmental narratives that transcend ideological boundaries, bridge continents, captivate hearts, and cross political divides, fostering long-lasting behavioral change for climate mitigation and adaptation.
#FarhoudMeybodi, #RitualArts, #Earthbound, #NzambiMatee, #ClimateStorytelling, #EnvironmentalFilms, #ClimateChange, #Documentary, #EdieLushInterview, #HubCulture, #COP28, #Dubai, #ClimateAction, #EcoAwareness, #CrossingDivides, #BehavioralChange, #SustainableFilmmaking, #GlobalImpact #'EarthboundNzambiMatee
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