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Alan Garrigan said: Hi, is anybody thinking of setting up business in Ireland in the next 18 months?
If so, I can help you for no fee as I am am looking to do so myself.
Please contact me directly via this address if you meet this criteria.
Look foward to hearing from you, sharing the knowledge I have gained etc...
There will be no burden on your part as it simply related to my research
on enterprise which I hope will lead me to an Irish set-up as the green technology
sector looks set to increase substantially after the recent boost to jobs and
lowered unemployment. As I say say there may be an opportunity here.
I would prefer if you were an SME (small,medium enterprise) startup like
myself. If you know anyone who is definitlely setting up at any point in the future
please contact me. Sorry I am low on VEN right now.

kind regards,

Alan Garrigan

23:57 09/03/12