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15th Mar 2012

Experts and Education at Hub HCMC

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Hub Culture is bringing together a community of leaders to share expertise and knowledge at the Ho Chi Minh City Pavilion. As part of the engagement programme for this Pavilion, we're asking local talent to share their skills with dozens of startup applicants interested to build their ideas into viable business programmes. Hundres have applied to gain access and insight from business leaders via onsite workshops, live webcasts from outside experts, Hub Culture leaders, and others flying in to share skills during an action packed week - from 4 -10 May, 2012.

Invited experts will cover five main categories: strategy, business planning and setup, marketing, finance, execution and business development. A mix of influencer events, coupled with scheduled one-on-one sessions, will help entrepreneurs develop their ideas from concept to a full action plan ready to go by the end of the week.

The main segments run Friday 4 March through Thursday, 10 May, with the best plans and concepts developed over the course of the week moving into further stages for development, funding consideration and VC review.

We're particularly looking for local talent who speak Vietnamese, and have expertise in business operations in Vietnam. If you know someone who fits the bill, please contact [email protected] or contact the Valets on the HCMC Pavilion homepage. Please share, and be a part of Hub's activity in Vietnam.