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31st Mar 2015
Together, these technologies are laying a groundwork for disruption across traditional financial sectors, including correspondent payments, remittances, insurance, contracts at large, and micro-finance.
The day features leaders in the new world of finance from a wide range of digital currency and community currency companies, including Bitcoin oriented companies like Blockchain, Mirror, Bitnet, Qoin, and Ethereum.
New forex and exchanges like Earthport, LMAX, Midpoint, the LMEclear will also explore the rapidly changing world of financial settlement and clearance and special panel will focus on projects related to Ven Authorities, including Alternet Systems on forex, SDKA International on commodities, and CAPCO on financial services.
Industry organisations including the World Economic Forum, the Digital Asset Transfer Authority, the Bitcoin Foundation and the UK Digital Currency Association will also be participating, leading discussions across these topics. In legal and regulatory areas, speakers from Hogan Lovells and Goodwin Procter will weigh in on legal implications of the new finance boom, while Ariadne Capital, Balderton Capital and TechStars take to the stage to discuss funding at all levels of the pyramid.
In the room, Bloomberg and Hub Culture have invited over $2 Billion of investable capital the London financial firms, hedge funds, banks and VCs that run aspects of today s financial world to participate in an intimate setting of panel discussions, feedback and participation.
Attendance to the event is by invitation, but interested parties can register an application to join at LiquiditySummit.com
The day features a series of panel discussions with leaders from many financial companies. For more details or to register to attend, please visit http://www.liquiditysummit.com