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Samburu - Walking or Jeep safari?

Michelle Vanparys said: Jeep safari is fantastic, especially if you have an open roof. But has anyone heard of walking safaris in Samburu, Kenya, or a combo, at least something where you're out in nature and not in the jeep the whole time?

15:12 23/10/08

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Richard Westoby Not heard of one in Kenya but I recently stayed at a camp in Botswana where you spend an afternoon walking with 4 local tribesmen and they show you how they find food in the brush, catch a scorpion (and get stung by it!) etc. Kind of fun but nothing majorly exciting. I did read about Richard E Grant doing a walking safari with big cats (you could try to find it on the net as I can't remember which camp it was)

1. Oct 29th, 2008

Michelle Vanparys Richard, how did you like the walk in the bush with the local tribesman? We did that with some Masaai tribesmen but it never got very far fromn the camp and it was more about their village life (in their dung huts) that a walking safari. I'd like to go hunting (not literally) on foot and be protected by bushmen with spears. I wonder if one of these exo-fab companies like Abercrombie & Kent or Quintessentially would organise something like that for you.

2. Oct 29th, 2008

Michelle Vanparys A fantastic walking safari in Samburu, one of Kenya's greatest game parks: Walking the El Bogoi Valley

3. May 29th, 2009
