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5th Sep 2009

Jordan: Following the Steps of Lawrence of Arabia Oct. 12-22, 2009

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In November of 2008, four women and two men, representing the United States, Mexico and Malaysia, joined a desert expedition to Jordan: Following the Steps of Lawrence of Arabia. This journey took the group far from civilization, imparting a true taste of life in the harsh, majestic desert. Adventurous traveller Jean-Yves Sireau shares his reflections on the journey.

open_quote.gifWe had nearly four days to explore Wadi Rum, the desert that T. E. Lawrence called home in the early 20th century. The heat was blazing as we travelled in four-wheel-drive vehicles, accompanied by our Bedouin guides. The desert views changed as we drove, from shifting sand dunes to red rocks that appeared to create abstract sculptures in the sand. This less-travelled route was truly that: we were alone with no tourists. It was a privilege to have this valley to ourselves to explore, and the desolation of it was remarkable. We hiked the dunes and came upon some petroglyphs left behind by ancient Nabataean camel caravans that passed through on their way to Petra. It was beautiful but eerie at the same time.

Toward the end of our expedition, we explored on camelback. This was undoubtedly the best part of the trip -- seeing the desert the way the Bedouins do. When it was nearly sunset and time to head back to camp, I could hear the faint haunting sound of Bedouin music wafting over the dunes. I was more than ready for the traditional meal the staff was preparing, along with the best coffee I've ever tasted. The desert may not have changed much since Lawrence's days, but I know that I will never be the same.close_quote.gif

Jordan: Following the Steps of Lawrence of Arabia departs October 12-22 and November 2-12, 2009. For more information, contact your travel professional or call an A&K Extreme Adventures Specialist at 866 259 6753.

CLICK HERE for expedition log and timeline, pricing and country and travel facts.

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