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Bermuda 2017 Theme Weeks

Stan Stalnaker said: May
15-21 Opening Week
22-29 Sailing Tech Week

1-11 Teams and Tall Ships Week
12-18 Reimagining Leadership | Super Yacht Regatta
19-25 Family Offices and Impact Investing | Black, Blue & Barefoot 24 June
24-30 America’s Cup Race Finals Week

1-9 Cradle to Cradle Thinking
10-16 Artificial Intelligence | Hello World 12-14 July
17-23 Developers and Hackers Unite!
24-30 Ethereum Week with Zeke

1-8 Oceans and Reefs feat. Cup Match | Clean Ocean 1-2 Aug
7-13 Healers Unite! Gathering
14-20 Sustainable Development Goals | Crystal, an Evening for UN Agencies
20-29 Chill Out

17:42 13/04/17