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Everything You Should Know About Braces and Orthodontics

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11th Mar 2020

Many people with shifted teeth try not to smile in public because they are shy of their appearance. Fortunately, modern dentistry allows people with this problem to improve their smile. Understanding the process of getting braces and orthodontics will not necessarily send you into a tailspin. In this article, we will tell you everything you should know about braces and orthodontics.

Do you actually need braces?

Before getting braces, it is important to find out if you really need them. Understanding why your child, loved one, or even you yourself may need braces can be difficult and vary from person to person. Take some time to find out who is the best candidate for braces and the potential benefits of braces that go beyond just getting straight teeth.

Orthodontic records

Before you put braces on your teeth, your orthodontist should receive orthodontic records from you. These records contain information about your past dental history. They can help your orthodontist plan your treatment, starting with where all the braces should be located to predict what your teeth will look like after your treatment is completed.

Adult braces

Despite the fact that braces are often used in childhood, they are not just for children. Braces can be used for people who are interested in improving their smile. Adult orthodontic treatment is becoming an extremely popular method of cosmetic dentistry. Many people all over the world want to save their natural tooth enamel rather than get veneers or crowns to improve their appearance.

Moreover, such celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Danny Glover unveiled their braces and helped people learn about the possibilities. If you are unsatisfied with your dentition, you can visit your orthodontist to find out what is right for you.

How to brush and floss your teeth with braces

Flossing with braces is a quite difficult task. The brackets usually interfere with the floss, making it hard to reach certain places. You can remove elastics, bands, and other removable parts before cleaning. It is important to brush each wire and then brush your teeth.

What to eat and avoid with braces

There are a lot of things you can and cannot eat with braces. Despite the fact that having braces makes it difficult to eat certain foods, it doesn’t mean that you should eat only mashed, soft foods.

  • Choose soft fruits and chop hard fruits into pieces that are easier to chew.
  • Avoid hard vegetables like raw carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli. But for a healthy diet, you need to consume a variety of vegetables, so choose softer raw vegetables like leafy greens. You can also cook or steam the vegetables for a softer texture.
  • Grains are often cooked or baked, but sometimes whole grains can get into braces.
  • You will not have a problem with most dairy products, although some types of cheese may be stuck under the bracket.
  • Meat may get stuck in braces or even damage them. Separate the meat from the bone, cut it into smaller pieces and select tender slices.
  • Nuts and seeds can stuck in your braces and bend wires. It is better to choose nut butter and ground seeds.
  • You should avoid sticky or hard sweets when wearing braces.

When you have a loose brace

Maintenance of loose braces can be carried out in various ways, depending on the situation. If your braces suddenly become loose, there is no need to worry, because fixing loose braces is easier than you think. However, it is better to visit your orthodontist as soon as possible if the brace is loose or if you have any other problems with your braces.