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30th Mar 2020

6 Key Things to Know About High Frequency Hearing Loss

Issues with hearing high-pitched sounds can occur as a result of high frequency hearing loss. It might also lead to problems with understanding fast speech. Specific types of hearing loss can be caused by damage to the hair-like structures. 

In simple terms, frequency is the measurement of the number of vibrations a sound wave makes per second. A lot of people misunderstand frequency and intensity. The later mentioned measures how loud a sound feels. Hearing loss is a common problem for old people. However, specialists say that everyone can develop this type of issue. The most common causes of this disorder are exposure to high frequency sounds as well as loud sounds. 

Nowadays, a lot of people prioritize their appearance and underestimate the importance of taking care of their overall health. Thus, people conduct extensive research on hair loss treatments (for instance) but do not even want to research what type of food is good for their health. Although, people should keep in mind that taking care of their “exterior” without maintaining “interior” is not going to lead to positive outcomes in the long run. The following section of this article depicts the essential information everyone should know about high frequency hearing loss. 

  1. What are the symptoms of high frequency hearing loss? 

People that suffer from high frequency hearing loss tend to have difficulties with the following sounds: 

  1. Doorbells 
  2. Appliance beeps and phone 
  3. Children and female sounds 
  4. Animals and birds sounds 

Some people might also have difficulties with differentiating sounds when there is background noise present. 

What are the causes of high frequency hearing loss? 

People might get exposed to high frequency hearing loss when their hair cells become damaged. Our body contains around 16,000 hari cells when we are born. A person might not detect hearing damage until 30 to 50 percent of hair cells are damaged. Read carefully the next section for understanding the most common causes of high frequency hearing loss. 

  1. Aging: the most common cause of high frequency hearing loss among older people is aging. According to recent studies, approximately 1 in 3 people between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing-related issues. In addition to that, around half of adults over the age of 75 are affected by hearing issues. 
  2. Noise damage: as was mentioned above, a person might be suffering from hearing loss because of high frequency sounds as well as loud sounds. Specialists claim that frequent use of headphones at a loud volume can lead to permanent hearing loss. The aforementioned statement is supported by the study conducted in 2018. This research focused on understanding the correlation between headphones and hearing loss in children. More than 3,000 children between ages of 9 and 11 were examined. The study reported that 14 percent of children had some degree of high frequency hearing loss. Additionally, children who used their headphones once or twice a week were more prone to developing hearing problems than those who did not use headphones at all. 
  3. Tumors: in medical terms, tumors are acoustic neuromas that can press on a person’s auditory nerve and lead to hearing loss and tinnitus on one side. 
  4. Genetics: hearing-related issues can be as a result of genetic problems. Doctors say that a person is more predisposed to this type of problem if any member of the family has already encountered hearing loss. 
  5. Middle ear infection: a buildup of fluid and temporary hearing loss can be as a result of the infected middle ear. In addition to that, serious infection can cause permanent damage to a person’s eardrum or other middle ear structures. 
  6. Medicine: medications can be also a cause of hearing loss. Some type of medicine can cause hearing impairments by harming the auditory nerve and the inner ear. Several antibiotics, cancer treatment medications and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are considered ototoxic medications that can cause hearing issues. 
  7. Meniere’s disease: this type of disease affects the inner ear of a person and can cause fluctuating hearing loss and vertigo. The main cause of it is the buildup of fluid in the inner ear. The aforementioned buildup of fluid can be caused by an infection, a blockage, immune response or genetic predisposition. This type of disease tends to affect only one ear. 

Is hearing loss a permanent condition? 

Hearing loss is a very common problem in the United States. Studies show that approximately 22 million people in the United States suffer from extremely loud noises at their workplaces. Hearing loss cannot be reversed once the structures in your inner ear are damaged. Specialists differentiate between two types of hearing loss such as sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss. In some cases, it can be a combination of two. 

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing disorder. It typically happens when the auditory nerve of the hair cells become damaged. This type of hearing loss is considered permanent. However, it can be partially managed by cochlear implants and hearing aids

Conductive hearing loss is a type of hearing disorder that involves damage or blockage of the middle ear or outer ear structures. The cause of this type of problem can be broken ear bone. Unlike sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss might be reversible. 

How to manage high frequency hearing loss? 

As was mentioned above, high frequency sensorineural hearing loss is permanent and is normally caused by damage to the hair cells in a person’s cochlea. The best way for treating serious hearing loss might be a hearing aid that targets high frequency sounds. 

Technological advances have helped to create hearing aids that can effectively match specific types of hearing loss. Some hearing devices are even able to connect to your phone through Bluetooth technology. 

How to prevent high frequency hearing loss? 

A number of steps can be taken to prevent high frequency hearing loss. The main recommendation is to stay away from sounds with a high frequency. Specialists in the field of hearing loss emphasize on the fact that even one-time exposure to loud noises over 85 decibels can lead to irreversible hearing loss. Furthermore, you can make use of the following recommendations: 

  1. Do not use headphone at loud sounds and if possible eliminate the usage of headphone completely 
  2. Eliminate exposure to loud sounds 
  3. Utilize earplugs when exposed to extremely loud sounds 
  4. Conduct regular hearing test for the purpose of detecting the problem on early stages 

When it is time to see a doctor? 

As was mentioned above, your hearing capabilities decrease as you age. In the vast majority of cases, children hear sounds that some adults might not. Although, if you experience sudden hearing loss, it is highly recommended to get tested right away. 

Nowadays, a lot of people strive to improve their appearance but tend to forget about their overall health. They make use of cosmetic surgeries to reshape their nose or ears, search for different hair loss treatments when an acceptable amount of hair is lost but they do not want to control what they eat, the quality of their sleep and physical condition. Make sure your health is in a proper condition before you decide to take care of your appearance. Keep in mind that your perfect appearance losses its value when your overall health condition is in bad shape.