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17th Mar 2021

7 Common Causes of Spotting After Sex You Should Know About

Many women (up to nine percent) all over the world experience postcoital spotting. In most cases, it can be deemed harmless especially if it occurs rarely and bleeding is not heavy. But regular vaginal bleeding after sex can manifest some serious gynecological disorders.

To define the exact cause of vaginal bleeding after sex, it is essential to visit a gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help improve your condition and prevent the development of severe complications. In this article, we have gathered seven common causes of spotting after sex you should know about.

1. Cervicitis

Cervicitis is a condition in which the cervix becomes inflamed. In most cases, this inflammation is caused by a certain infection. However, tampons, harsh chemicals, allergies, and bacteria that naturally inhabit your vagina can also cause cervicitis. The most common symptoms of cervicitis include:

  • Pain during sex
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge with a strong odor
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Lower back pain

Treatment of cervicitis depends on the cause of the condition. That’s why it is important to visit a gynecologist to define the exact cause of cervicitis. 

2. Sexually transmitted diseases

Some sexually transmitted infections and viruses can also cause spotting after sex. If you have rash or sores in the vagina or on the vulva, you may experience light bleeding after sex. Additionally, STIs tend to cause inflammation of the cervix and this can also lead to bleeding. 

3. Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is a condition that occurs when a woman has insufficient natural lubrication. It can be caused by various factors like: 

  • Childbirth
  • Menopause
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • Certain medications

In most cases, it occurs when the levels of estrogen decrease. Women with vaginal dryness can experience vaginal bleeding after sex due to irritation and microcracks that occur during sex. It is essential to use additional lubrication and undergo proper treatment to improve vaginal dryness. 

4. Cervical polyps

Cervical polyps are tumors that develop on the cervix. They can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The most common symptoms of cervical polyps are heavy periods, bleeding after sex, and abnormal vaginal discharge. Your gynecologist can remove cervical polyps during a pelvic exam. 

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a quite severe condition that occurs when the untreated vaginal infection reaches pelvic organs. In most cases, inflammation is caused by gonorrhea, chlamydia, or bacterial vaginosis. Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease include:

  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge with a strong odor
  • Pain during sex
  • Spotting after sex
  • Fever
  • Pelvic pain

If the inflammation was caused by a sexually transmitted infection, you and your partner or partners should be examined and treated simultaneously. Otherwise, you can become reinfected after treatment.

6. Vaginitis

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can occur because of infection, certain skin disorders, menopause, and change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria. Vaginitis usually manifests itself through abnormal vaginal discharge, pain during sex, vaginal bleeding after sex, and pain during urination. 

7. Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a dangerous condition that affects many women. It occurs when the cervical cells start to change and overgrow. Women who have 16th and 18th strains of human papillomavirus are more prone to develop cervical cancer. 

In the initial stages, cervical cancer usually develops without symptoms. But then the damage becomes significant, you can experience spotting after sex, pain during sex, prolonged periods, and pelvic pain. It is essential to treat cervical cancer as soon as possible since it can spread to other pelvic organs.

The bottom line

If you have noticed vaginal bleeding that regularly occurs after sex, it is better to make an appointment with your gynecologist. Only a professional gynecologist can definitively diagnose your condition and perform the precise treatment.