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7 Common Myths About Teeth and Gums You Shouldn’t Believe In

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6th Apr 2021

Many people want to have healthy teeth and gums. But the truth is that there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that can mislead you and even negatively impact the condition of your oral cavity. That’s why it is extremely important to double-check the information. In this article, we have gathered seven common myths about teeth and gums you shouldn’t believe in.

1. Tooth decay affects only kids

Many people think that tooth decay affects only children since kids often neglect oral hygiene that results in poor oral health. Even though children are more prone to tooth decay, many adults can also develop it. 

The reality is that tooth decay occurs because of bacteria that live in the oral cavity and produce acids. These acids soften and wear out your tooth enamel. This means that both children and adults that don’t brush and floss their teeth properly can get cavities.

2. Tooth brushing once a day is enough

There is a common misbelief that you can brush your teeth only once a day to keep them healthy. But the truth is that your oral cavity is full of dental plaque, food particles, and bacteria. If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily, you let the plaque accumulate, and bacteria multiply. 

3. Gum disease is a condition of elderly

Gum disease is a condition in which your gums become inflamed. It occurs when bacteria in your oral cavity start to multiply actively and cause inflammation. Symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Gum bleeding
  • Receding gums
  • Gum pockets
  • Increased teeth sensitivity
  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth loss

Indeed, older people are more likely to develop gum disease, but you should know that it can affect everyone. Children and adults that don’t maintain proper oral hygiene can also develop gum disease.

4. It is better to use a toothbrush with stiff bristles

Some people believe that stiff bristles on a toothbrush can remove dental plaque and clean their teeth better. But you should understand that a toothbrush with stiff bristles can do more harm than good. Firm bristles can scratch and remove your tooth enamel and even injure your gums.  

5. Tooth decay can be treated at home

Even though there are a lot of options that can help ease a toothache at home, you should understand that they can’t treat the underlying condition of your pain. Indeed, if you have a toothache, you can use home remedies or pain medications to relieve pain but only a dentist can define the cause of your symptoms.

For example, if your toothache is caused by tooth decay, your dentist will remove the damaged tissues of the tooth and restore it with a dental filling. Sensitive teeth that react to temperature changes require special care. In any case, it is essential to visit a dentist.

6. Gum bleeding is normal

It is essential to understand that gum bleeding is deemed one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. If you have noticed that your gums are bleeding during tooth brushing, it is better to make an appointment with your dentist. 

7. There is no reason to visit a dentist often

Many people think that there is no reason to visit a dental clinic if you don’t experience any pain or other symptoms. But you should know that many oral issues can develop asymptomatically or cause mild symptoms that can be left unnoticed.

During a dental exam, your dentist will examine your teeth and perform the treatment if needed. Additionally, regular teeth cleaning at the dentist’s office can remove tartar accumulation and prevent the development of gum disease and other oral issues.