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5 Clear Signs You Have a Deviated Septum

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13th May 2021

Did you know that your nostrils play a crucial role in your ability to breathe properly? Your nasal septum separates the left and right airways of your nasal cavity, splitting the two nostrils. Ideally, both of your airways should be separated equally. However, nearly 80% of people have an asymmetrical separation called a deviated septum. 

While septum deviation doesn’t necessarily lead to any problems, if you experience any of these five symptoms, consider booking an appointment with an experienced plastic surgeon

1. Difficulty breathing
When one of your airways is smaller or narrower than the other, it can result in difficulty breathing through your nose. This issue can be especially evident when you’re breathing while trying to fall asleep, during a workout, or while playing sports. 

It can cause you to start breathing through your mouth, preventing your saliva from properly moisturizing it. Saliva is a natural protectant that washes away food residue and neutralizes dangerous oral bacteria. When your mouth is dry and flaky, you’re at higher risk of developing various dental problems that may cause irreversible damage to your gums and teeth. 

2. Frequent nose bleeds
A deviated septum can sometimes result in regular nose bleeds. That’s due to its curvature, which creates turbulence as air moves through your nostrils. Imagine that your nasal septum is the hood of a vehicle or a wing of a plane. The more aerodynamic the surface of your septum is, the better the air moves through it. Deviation typically leads to excess turbulence on the septum, causing it to become dry and prone to bleeding. 

3. Stuffy nose and frequent sinus infections
When one of your nasal airways is narrower, it can lead to congestion and inflammation that hampers the proper sinus drainage. This can result in regular sinus infections and extra mucus coming from the glands situated behind your nose. These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for an allergy or common cold. And if you’re allergic to something, septum deviation can cause your nasal symptoms to worsen. 

4. Difficulty sleeping
If you’ve ever experienced a cold, you most likely know how difficult it may be to fall asleep when your nose is clogged up. People with nasal septum deviation may sleep on a particular side more because it is easier for them to breathe that way. A deviated septum can also lead to severe nighttime snoring or loud breathing, which may interrupt your partner’s sleep. Deviation in your nasal septum can also put you at an increased risk of sleep apnea, a condition in which your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. 

5. Severe headaches
Nasal septum deviation can trigger sinus infections. Infected sinuses typically cause headaches due to inflammation and blockage in their cavities. Besides, sinusitis usually causes lots of pressure around your eyes, forehead, and cheeks. This pressure alone can trigger your headaches. If you’re more susceptible to migraines, a deviated septum can cause even more troubles for you. Your infected sinuses can put a lot of stress and pressure on your blood vessels, leading to a persistent migraine that is very hard to treat. 

The bottom line
If you experience difficulty breathing when exercising, or trying to fall asleep at night, consult a plastic surgeon to determine whether you have a deviated septum or not. Remember that a deviated septum can lead to issues like regular nose bleeds, severe headaches and migraines, nasal congestion, and frequent sinus infections. By performing rhinoplasty, the specialist can straighten the cartilage and bone separating your two nostrils. Besides, this procedure can also help reshape your nose, making it more aesthetically pleasing. Rhinoplasty will help resolve the aforementioned problems, allowing you to breathe through your nose freely.