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8 Foods That Can Speed up Aging Process

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14th Jun 2021

You’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat”. This statement is rather true, whether you’re talking about your brain, heart, skin, hair, waistline, or other aspects of your health. Foods you eat can make you either look healthier and younger or look much older than you are. That’s why nutrition experts note the importance of getting enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep the body healthy as long as possible. 

What foods should we avoid to prevent the acceleration of the aging process? What foods can provoke overall inflammation and make your body age faster? Let’s look at the list of some foods that may shorten your lifespan and make you look older than you are:

1. High-sodium foods 

People should consume salt in moderation because excess sodium can have an adverse effect on your body and your skin. Plus, after consuming a dinner that’s high in sodium, you’ll likely wake up the next morning with a swollen face, because having an overdose of salt leads to fluid retention in the body. Eating too much salt consistently can result in high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. 

2. Sugary beverages 

There are lots of reasons to avoid soda and other drinks full of sugar. High-sugar beverages contain phosphoric acid that can accelerate enamel erosion. Plus, sugar can directly cause dental cavities. Damaged teeth will make you look older than you are.

To avoid sugar, use Stevia as it doesn’t negatively affect dental health. Moreover, there is evidence that compounds found in Stevia might be even antibacterial.  

3. Dairy foods 

Although everyone is different, some people may age faster when they consume dairy products. Given that dairy is one of the most common sensitivities for adults, it’s essential to take note of negative reactions and make a change if necessary. 

Dairy products can make some people develop skin reactions, like psoriasis or eczema. Plus, dairy may exacerbate these skin problems. 

4. Alcohol 

To look young and be elastic, your skin needs proper hydration. Therefore, anything that can make you dehydrated will negatively affect your skin health. In addition to causing dehydration, alcohol can also provoke poor sleep which also impacts the appearance of your skin. Plus, alcohol puts a strain on your liver, the organ which helps you get rid of toxins. 

5. Foods rich in saturated fats 

People who eat a diet rich in dairy, red meat, and cheese are more likely to look older than their years. This is due to the fact that they are high in saturated fats that tend to speed up the aging process. Eating high amounts of saturated fats, especially when combined with high-sugar foods, can result in chronic inflammation. 

6. High-fat proteins 

Classic breakfast foods such as sausage or bacon contain an extra dose of saturated fats and have trace amounts of trans fats which leads to high levels of bad cholesterol, blood lipids, overall inflammation, and weight gain. 

7. Popcorn 

Popcorn is loaded with fat and salt that can contribute to weight gain and fluid retention. Plus, it’s bad for your dental health, since it tends to get stuck between teeth contributing to plaque accumulation, dental cavities, and gum inflammation. 

8. Deep-fried foods

Though deep-fried foods are extremely delicious, they can make you age faster. In addition to offering little-to-no nutritional value, they are usually prepared in frying oil that’s packaged with fat. This means they can make you gain extra pounds. Since nearly all fried foods are rich in calories, the extra weight won’t do much for your skin’s longevity.